Friday, January 26, 2007

Beyond Ridiculous

Connecticut State Police and Connecticut Police have made police misconduct all too common. You can be adducted (arrested) and beaten at Police HQ, just for making a police misconduct complaint. Colchester Connecticut Police Officers Nardella and Thomas arrested Stephen and Ian Murzin at their parents home. Their father happened to be a Hartford Detective at the time of his sons' arrest.

Stephen Murzin was home from the US Marines when he observed Phil Inkel being beaten at the Colchester Connecticut McDonald's Hamburger Restaurant. Phil Inkel had been beaten by Thomas and Nardella for having made a Police Misconduct Complaint because he observed Thomas and Nardella beating a teen for having worn baggy pants.

The Father, the Detective was harassed out of his job for wanting justice in the matter. His two sons will never be the same again, nor will they blindly trust any authority. Stephen Murzin was later stabbed 13 times by David J. Taylor, a felon on probation. Taylor, a police informant, also stabbed two other people. Taylor was not violated on probation and he did not go to prison for almost killing 3 people.

Todd Vashon, a police informant, who lost his nerve to kill either Phil Inkel or Stephen Murzin, talks about being given $10,000 cash for the murder for hire plot hatched by Colchester Connecticut Police Officers Nardella and Thomas. These police officers were never properly disciplined for such heinous behavior.

The Connecticut State Police Internal Affairs still have a policy of "Arrest and Discredit" when a citizen makes a police misconduct Complaint.

Connecticut prosecutors and judges cover up for police officers involved in misconduct and help retaliate against those that lodge police, prosecutorial, attorney, official, and judicial misconduct complaints.

The Connecticut Judiciary Committee that disciplines and confirms judges does neither as it is made up mainly of practicing lawyers that could lose their careers, face arrests and prison, be disbarred, and lose the sum total of their life's work to rule against abusive police, prosecutors, judges, and attorneys that serve the abusive system, not their clients.

A Judge feels it is ok to let this guy almost kill someone:

Connecticut State Police Record Check Database

Updated through SEPTEMBER 2006

* * * Results from DATABASE ONE * * *

Name Birth date SPBI # Sex
TAYLOR,DAVID 1974-12-02 000690777 M
TAYLOR,DAVID J 1974-12-02 000690777 M
Height Eye Color Hair Weight Race Place of Birth
Known Addresses
Address City Zip State
Verdict Date CAX Offense Offense Date Reduced to Town Jail Sentence Jail Suspended Probation Term Fine Docket #
F 53a-103 BURGLARY 3 1993-12-21
East Haddam 0002 Year(s) 0002 Year(s) 0002 Year(s)
F 53a-103 BURGLARY 3 1993-12-21
East Haddam

F 53a-60 ASSAULT 2 1994-08-26 M 53a-61 ASSAULT 3 East Haddam 0001 Year(s) 0001 Year(s) 0002 Year(s)
M 53a-125b LARCENY 6 1994-10-08

M 53a-167a INTRFERE/RESIST 1997-01-03
Colchester 0045 Day(s) 0045 Day(s) 0001 Year(s)

CAX - If this field is filled out, C = Conspiracy A = Attempt X=Accessory

Offense = M/F is Misdemeanor or Felony Indicator, What a person was charged with when they were arrested

Reduced to = M/F is Misdemeanor or Felony Indicator, What the original charges were reduced or changed to (if applicable)

* * * Results from DATABASE TWO * * *

I, Steven G. Erickson, tried to have Rockville Connecticut Superior Court Judge Jonathan Kaplan removed for bias in civil cases regarding the self-employed, contractors and landlords. I made complaints about Stafford Springs Connecticut are town and State Police. For being a victim of a strong arm attempted robbery and being assaulted on my own property, ending the beating I was taking with pepperspray, I was sentenced to a year in prison, 3 years probations, stiff fines, to see a psychiatrist twice a week (I must have been crazy to resist the felon trying to rob and kill me), drug and alcohol classes (I was not drunk or high when I was attacked and have no history, but my attacker was legally drunk when he assaulted me), a mental competency exam, and now have a criminal record preventing me from getting most employment and lodging. Where is justice in the American Justice System?

Judicial Immunity keeps Judge Jonathan J. Kaplan from being arrested and prosecuted for acting illegally and Unconstitutionally in my case. If Kaplan had sawed off my leg and I had lived, he would have done less damage to me and my family. I would still have the ability to purchase a home, health insurance, my small business built up over 2 decades, credit, a relationship with my National Honor Society Student daughter, retirement, my dog and other pets, and believe in honest, ethical courts and law enforcement.

Complaining about a judge, attorney, police officer, prosecutor, official, or one of their powerful friends can result in this:

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Added Oct. 13, 2007:

US Marine arrested for being stabbed in Connecticut

video shot Oct. 10, 2007, Steven G. Erickson interviews Stephen Murzin

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added March 11, 2008, 9:35 PM EST

State Police Leaders Scolded

Rell Summons Leaders To Meeting In Response To Troopers' Allegations Of Retaliation

|Courant Staff WriterAn angry Gov. M. Jodi Rell dressed down more than 60 state police managers at the governor's residence in Hartford Monday, warning that the department is about to "implode" and threatening to replace managers who could not properly supervise their ranks, according to sources who attended the meeting.

"I gave state police commanders a very direct message: They need to start leading," Rell said in a written statement Monday afternoon. "This is a time of turmoil in the agency and troopers are looking to their senior officers. The people of Connecticut — and I as their governor — demand that those officers provide strong, effective guidance."

Her harsh comments came after several weeks of testimony before the state legislature by troopers who said they had been victims of blatant retaliation by state police managers for being whistleblowers.

Last week, about 200 troopers attended a hearing before the legislature's public safety committee, asking lawmakers to help stop harassment and revamp the state police. State Police Union President Steven Rief sharply criticized the agency for severely punishing troopers for misdeeds, while being lenient with managers.

On Monday afternoon, managers' police cruisers lined side streets near the governor's residence, as lieutenants, captains, majors, and lieutenant colonels, some dressed in uniform, others in suits and ties, walked together through the iron gates up to the mansion. Managers — from lieutenants up to Public Safety Commissioner John A. Danaher III — attended a mandatory emergency meeting that lasted just 15 minutes before they walked back out to their cars solemnly.

Among those who testified about retaliation last week was Det. Karen Nixon, one of the whistleblowers who filed complaints about misconduct. She said two of her supervisors called the state Department of Children and Families to her home after she had a bad reaction to a medication. Nixon testified that she felt it was retaliation for being a whistleblower in the case of Eugene Baron, a trooper who had been stopped on suspicion of drunk driving four times and let go each time by state police. Baron has since retired.

Rell said in the statement she wants commanders to "listen to line troopers and respond."

"Those issues must be dealt with aggressively, responsibly and effectively. It is important that the command staff lead their agency with fairness, innovation and enthusiasm," Rell said.

During the meeting, Rell gave her support to Danaher, who has been commissioner of the embattled agency for just over a year, saying he is a good commissioner in a long line of them, sources inside the meeting said.

Afterward, Danaher said he will be putting some policy changes in place later this week, but declined to discuss them Monday.

"They are issues I have been talking to Steve Rief about for some time, policy issues we have been discussing," Danaher said.

Rief said the union has tried to deal with some of the issues Rell spoke of for the past year.

"I'm encouraged to hear the governor has recognized something we have been saying for quite some time," Rief said.

"It's a step in the right direction and I'm glad the governor is trying to set the tone. Hopefully, today is a start where they do get the message."

Contact Tracy Gordon Fox at

More articles

comment in article:
msrp wrote:

Right. We are going to believe a so called informant, a so called wing nut(Inkel) and the two sons of a Hartford Cop(Murzin) who was arrested for stealing. OK. I guess no one elses words count except those of these scumbags or any other scum bag who makes a complaint against a cop no matter how ridiculous. And People wonder why our society is going down the toilet. It sure isn't because of the cops now is it.
YOU have no idea what you are talking about. Let me explain a few things here. I know about this case. The cop (Murzin) was arrested May 16, 1997 on his birthday for Second Degree Larceny. He was charged for something the Police Chief says is not a crime. Murzin did nothing that other officers aren't doing now. Also, Murzin was given his job back!

Want the truth? Here it is ... back in 1997 Mr. Murzin was arrested on a defective warrant signed by a Judge Koltesky.

State's Attorneys, C. Robert Satti, James Thomas, and Judge Koletsky plotted this. Why? Because they believed Murzin was sticking his nose in where it didn't belong. The warrant was shopped for and no judge would sign it, but Koletsky agreed to sign it when he got back from his vacation in Utah.

How do we know? Because a court official warned Murzin and a few others that the warrant would be singed by Kolestsky. Then voila, like magic, the warrant appeared. The case just went away on an agreement.

Murzin was to agree to not to enter Wethersfield while on duty without permission from a supervisor.

He went to his probation appointment, but the probation officer had no record of him.

Do you think everyone here is that stupid?

Look at Murzin's retirement photos.

He is sneaking up on the Wethersfield town line. Too funny.

Know what you are talking about before commenting.

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added August 12, 2008, at 1:30 PM EST:

Steven G. Erickson interviews Stephen Murzin, May 22, 2006:

Steven G. Erickson interviews Stephen Murzin by telephone, May 11, 2006:

Todd Vashon talks about his "work" for police as a Connecticut State Registered Confidential Police Informant:

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Added May 14, 2011. Retired Hartford Connecticut Narcotics Detective Richard J. Murzin has passed away. More:


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