Sunday, August 5, 2007

Hartford Courant Comment in forum written by former Police Commish Spada:

Former Rockville Connecticut Judge and former Connecticut State Police Commissioner Arthur L. Spada

My Comment to Arthur L. Spada in a Hartford Courant forum thread:

"Mr." Spada,
didn't you demote the highest ranking police woman because she was a woman while you were Connecticut State Police Commissioner?

I emailed you the text of a letter I sent to the USDOJ asking that the USDOJ webpage on Community Policing (COPS) be taken off the official Connecticut State Police website.

It was a day before I was to be sentenced for pepper spraying a mugger. I knew that if a former fellow Rockville Judge, Jonathan J. Kaplan went ballistic on me, I'd know that you contacted Kaplan and were illegally colluding with him to railroad me to prison.

I believe that is a felony that you committed among others.

Mr. Arthur L. Spada didn't you have chauffeurs haul you around at taxpayer expense? Didn't you falsify official records to hide that you were stealing from taxpayers as you were being driven around to golf ranges? An officer can be felony arrested for taking his cruiser home for lunch for the gas used. Why shouldn't you, Mr. Spada; be arrested for felony theft and fraud? Why couldn't you account for homeland security funds?

Who did more damage to the overall ethics of the Connecticut State Police, you or Lee?

Mr. Spada, you had no police powers, yet you were pulling people over on the highway, what is up with that, shouldn't you have your ego checked for this:

There are police officer rumors that you were either a client or helped run a prostitution ring that ran out of the Webster theatre in Hartford to service cops, lawyers, prosecutors, and judges, is that true? Was it called, "Spada's rub and tug"?

So, Mr. Spada, if you are felony arrested and convicted, should you be wearing the GPS at home arrest bracelet?

If there is ever real justice in Connecticut and the State gets Un-Mobbed up, I feel you will have to pay the piper. I would like an answer from you in writing regarding my belief that you illegally put me in prison for my having proposed Civilian Oversight of Police, for my being critical of State Police in letters to the editor, for attempting to sue police for violating my civil rights, and for upsetting your inflated ego by complaining about you to Rowland's former governor's office?

My email address and mailing address can be found in post on lawyers, here:

Mr. Spada, do you have the guts to answer me honestly?

Steven G. Erickson

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Arthur L. Spada's Hartford Courant piece:

Change Parole Rules - And Monitor Those Released

Arthur L. Spada
August 6, 2007

The Petit family tragedy is a metaphor for the pivotal failure of the Connecticut criminal justice system. Interlocking failures culminated in a night of terror orchestrated by recently paroled Steven Hayes and Joshua Komisarjevsky. The use of electronic ankle bracelets would have prevented this carnage.

The federal government and many of our sister states now embrace the use of attached ankle bracelets for all released felons. Connecticut needs to adopt a similar program. To do otherwise endangers innocents.

The state's prisons have become revolving doors for career criminals. The great wash of criminals cannot be tried because of the state's anachronistic, time-consuming, protracted voir dire requirement. Voir dire is a procedure by which prospective jurors are questioned. In Connecticut, they are questioned individually rather than in a group. Neither the federal government nor any of our sister states employ Connecticut's individual voir dire selection for juries.

This results in an abnormally high rate of plea bargaining and an abysmally low rate of trials. Every defendant in a plea-bargained disposition negotiates his own sentence. The result? Excessively short sentences for serious crimes.

Hayes, harnessed with a conviction record of 20 robberies and six larcenies, had plea-bargained for a five-year sentence to a charge of burglary. Hayes served two years and was paroled administratively, without benefit of a public hearing; nor were his victims notified. This miscue was legitimized by the recent enactment of Public Act 04-234.

This law must be repealed or seriously amended. Its unabashed purpose is "to reduce by 20 percent the number of inmates jailed due to technical violations of probation or parole." The message to parolees is no re-incarceration unless you repeatedly violate your conditions of parole or commit a serious crime.

But Public Act 04-234 causes additional harm to our citizenry. Except for a handful of heinous crimes, sentenced inmates are now eligible for administrative parole almost immediately. A staff clerk reviews a file without notifying the victims and then submits a recommendation - but there is no public record of the reason for the recommendation.

There is even more harm contained in the law: Inmates can be transferred to halfway houses 18 months before their release date. The Department of Correction can release inmates charged with a misdemeanor and Class D felons who cannot make bail. (This raises a serious separation of powers issue because bail-setting is a judicial function.) The Correction Department can release inmates for work or educational purposes to a community or private residence. The commissioner can issue renewable 30-day furloughs. Drug-dependent sellers can twice enter a treatment program in lieu of prosecution or jail.

The most contemptible provision of Public Act 04-234 is the shift of responsibility: It places the onus on the parole board to show why it should not grant parole rather than putting the burden on the prisoner to prove why he should be released: "The Board must give specific reasons why the person and public would not benefit from the person's parole while transitioning to the community."

This new standard is a stark affront to the law-abiding citizens of our state.

Connecticut's prisons must accommodate the influx of 5,000 prisoners annually. Because the prison population is at near-maximum, that means 5,000 inmates must be transferred or paroled to the community. The political resistance to building new prisons or placing inmates in out-of-state prisons mandates the use of electronic ankle bracelets.

These bracelets are electronically connected to global positioning satellites. The satellite can continuously transmit digital radio signals pinpointing the parolee's location. Currently, 268 sex offenders are electronically monitored by the state's parole division.

To protect citizens and to ensure against another Cheshire redux, we now need to use electronic ankle bracelets on all released felons during their entire parole period and on career criminals during fixed time periods beyond parole.

Ironically, the GPS solution would save taxpayers money, although saving lives and property, not saving dollars, would be the reason to use ankle bracelets. Inmates cost an average $30,000 per year; the GPS system costs an average $4,650 per year. The GPS can help parole officers enforce curfews and keep parolees within circumscribed boundaries.

The repeal of Public Act 04-234, the removal of voir dire in criminal cases and the use of electronic ankle bracelets for all paroled and career criminals will usher a new day of domestic tranquility. Such changes would burnish the images of the Cheshire innocents.

Arthur L. Spada, a former Superior Court judge, was state commissioner of public safety in the Rowland administration.

Copyright © 2007, The Hartford Courant

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