Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Chris Kennedy exposes Connecticut Judge Jonathan J. Kaplan's judicial misconduct

Judges can be malicious, knowingly cause harm, break laws, and be comfortable that they will never suffer financially, nor criminally, for their evil deeds. One judge may have decided whether all of a state's Habeas Corpus petitions could be filed, and then decided, himself, on their cases. The State of Connecticut is already well known for its police brutality and judicial misconduct. Maybe 70%, on average, of wealth is lost by couples in family courts.

Christopher Kennedy on Judge Jonathan J. Kaplan at official Connecticut Judiciary Committee Hearing:

Text with video:

More video from the Feb. 17, 2010, Connecticut Judiciary Committee hearing:

Uploaded by on Feb 21, 2010

no description available

Chris Kennedy speaks out about "Stalker Judge"

Text with video:

Uploaded by on Dec 3, 2007

Judge Jonathan Kaplan of Vernon Rockville GA#19 Connecticut Superior Court has a growing reputation as being completely out of control in his capacities as a judge.



If your net worth is 20 million, will divorce lawyers put a hold on 20 million in case their fees reach that amount?

[click here] for:

Tauck V. Tauck: No End In Sight

Nancy Tauck

Peter Tauck



stevengerickson At yahoo dot com

This blogger's beefs, mugshot picture, and video:

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The new look, a US Arrest

Text with video:
The US Senate voted so that any American, anyone else, can now be arrested by the US Military, anywhere in the world, including inside the US, and be officially kidnapped, held in secret, tortured, and even murdered, and there is to be no hearing or evidence needed. It is all secret and anyone can be labeled a "Terrorist" on any excuse as no one will check the secret paperwork. That is, if any paperwork is assumed to exist. There is now no need for judges, lawyers, courts, honest policing, or even a US Constitution. Just make up crap, it's America, right?

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[click here] for:

Stop Smoking Pot and Pay Attention to Government



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