Thursday, October 27, 2011

Website Link Correction & Call to All Artists/Writers et al

Dear Readers,

Greetings on a rainy, gloomy day! I just have a quick correction to make (already made on the original post but it doesn't hurt to tell you now as well)—the link to writer Mary Beth Ellis on this previous post about Mira's List fans' residency experiences was wrong. The real website link should be this: in case you want to read more about Mary Beth. Sorry for the mistake.

If any others would like to send me a couple photos from a residency they did in the last year or so, one they found on Mira's List, please send them to me as jpgs (no larger than 400 KB) and write a few words on what the place was like and what you did there. I need to know:

1. name of place and location (and link if you have it)
2. your website link (if you have one and if you'd like me to link your name to it)
3. whether or not you want me to post your full name


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