Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sign Up Now! Transcultural Exchange's 2011 Conference on International Opportunities in the Arts!

Greetings all! Thank you for your patience while my book tour is raging on....I hope to see some of you at one of the readings. The next one will be in Cleveland on Friday, Feb. 4th at the United Church of Christ, 2592 West 14th St. in the Tremont neighborhood. Details on my website: After that, I’ll read at The Odyssey Book Store on Feb. 10th in South Hadley, MA. Then off to California! I'll be doing readings in LA, Berkeley and San Francisco from Feb. 16th to the 22nd so if you live in those areas, please come. I’d love to meet some of you!

(A little book, THE MEMORY PALACE just made the New York Times Bestseller list! It’s currently at # 16. So please...all of out right now and buy it from your local indie bookstore so I can knock that Tiger Mother book out of my way OR click on my book on right side bar and buy it directly from this site. All right.....I’ve finished now. :-)) So on to this business of opportunities.

First, I want to remind you all about the most amazing conference in the world. A couple years ago I spoke at the TransCultural Exchange Conference for Opportunities in the Arts in Boston and am going to do a presentation again, as well as do a reading at the Boston Public Library (along with authors Reif Larsen and Jayne Anne Phillips). I’ll be moderating a panel on first books—from finding an agent to promoting your first book—with novelist Jedediah Berry and poet Marisa Crawford. I’ll be representing the memoir/creative nonfiction voice on the panel.

Below is info on the conference. It is open to ALL DISCIPLINES and this year there will be even more than ever before for writers, filmmakers and composers/sound artists. And as usual, if you are a visual artist, you will be overjoyed at what you will get out of the experience. I can’t say enough about this conference. And you should know that I do this for free, that’s how much I love it. You get to meet people who run artist residencies all over the world, as well as the movers and shakers in the grant and fellowship lexicon.
First, watch this video about the conference—it will give you a sense of what you will find there!: Click here: On to the info:

TransCultural Exchange announces the return of its namesake conference

April 7-10, 2011 • Boston’s Omni Parker House Hotel


Would you like to find ways to exhibit internationally? Would you like your work reviewed by major curators, critics and gallery owners? Are you an emerging writer interested in finding out what it takes to publish your first book? Are you a musician, sound artist or composer looking for an amazing residency? Have you always wanted to live overseas for a year and do research for a creative project but just didn't know how to fund your trip? Want to meet like-minded people? Shake up your world.

Come to TransCultural Exchange’s 2011 Conference on International Opportunities in the Arts: The Interconnected World.

Registration for all four days is $345; $425 after April 1.

Student discount registration is $$205; $295 after April 1.

New for 2011: Screening Program for Artists:

Artists who have registered by 5 pm EST, February 15, 2011 are eligible to submit no more than 2 images to be projected during the Conference. (Screening time and place will be announced in the Conference brochure.)

New for 2011: Reading Program for Writers:
This program is limited to 10 writers whose works will be chosen from those who have registered and submitted their writing sample by 5 pm EST, February 15, 2011.

For more info about the above, go here:
You MUST first register for the conference before you are eligible to sign up for these opportunities. These sessions are ONLY available to conference badge holders as well as all the events at the Omni, including the opening reception on Friday.

Come to Boston and meet Mirabee! I hope to see you there in April. If you register for the conference, please seek me out if you are a Mira’s List reader because I’d love to meet you!


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