Sunday, November 21, 2010

Would You Do A Favor for Mirabee? Pretty Please?

Greetings all!

Okay, indulge me for a moment while I shamelessly promote my new book coming out this January, called The Memory Palace. I will bug you guys to buy it soon and also alert you when my new memory palace website and blog are up (very soon! maybe this week!) but for now, would you please watch the book trailer I just made (my first project for North of Radio, a multi-media collaborative I am starting with my husband)? If you go to youtube and watch it, please do the following:
1. share it with EVERYONE!
2. click on the LIKE button
3. post it on your facebook page or some other social-networking site
4. tweet about it if you use twitter AND...
if you have a youtube account, sign in a write a comment. If you don't have
an account (they're free), you can do that first.

But at the very least, please watch the trailer and pass it on. Now, don't you want to do something nice for Mirabee during this holiday season? Come on...I know you do!

Thanks for the little indulgence. I try not to ask for much...:-) Click here and go VIRAL!:

Thanks! Love, Mirabee

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