Friday, May 21, 2010

Growing Homelessness in America

The below is the text I left in Stephen Lendman's article called, "Growing Homelessness in America", [found here]

Our Predatory US Government

Our US Government does nothing as advertised. Bad behavior is rewarded with tax dollars, good behavior is punished.

Have kids? Well, there are more than ten times the DCF workers than are needed to lie to take them away. States get federal tax dollars to do this. Placing children in adoptive or foster families brings in federal tax dollars to a state. Own a home, or a small business, you are just a target for seizure, fines, and prison for living life in a normal way. Quotas have to be made for states to continue to collect more and more federal tax dollars. Processing citizens in courts and putting them in prison brings in federal dollars.

In Stafford Springs, Connecticut, there were teenage underage prostitutes selling ecstasy, vandals, heroin and crack cocaine, fences, thieves, thugs, and rapists in the mill town where I used to own a home and rental properties and run a contracting business built over 2 decades. I was raising a daughter. Police were aligned with the prostitutes, drug dealers, and criminals in as their social and financial circle. I was the enemy for wanting service for my tax dollars and for proposing legislation to elected officials.

So, I owned 3 homes, a business, and was raising a family and without a record, I was sentenced to a year in prison for resisting being mugged. My financial records will show I went from having electric bills, mortgages, writing $6000 per month in checks, occasionally charging my Amex for $50,000 and then paying it off at the end of the month. After prison, I ended up homeless living out in the woods in the snow in Vermont, nearly freezing to death. All that saving, maintaining credit, working, paying taxes, and trying to pursue the American Dream was for nothing.

The American people aren't represented for their taxes. They're enslaved. If we don't revolt soon, it will be too late forever. American unofficial policies are causing homelessness, financial ruin, loss of jobs, family break ups, illness, suicide, and early deaths. Welcome to the new America. Act now to fix.

This blogger's email:

Steven G. Erickson in 2001 before being a victim on Connecticut's "Target List"


[click here] for:

Federal Permit Required to be a Tradesmen, $37,000 fine

This post is narrated in a video:

[click here] for this blogger, Steven G. Erickson's, core complaint


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Text with video:
SvenVonErick May 21, 2010More info: http://thegetjusticecoalition.blogspo... scroll down in post for links. Telling former Connecticut Governor John. G. Rowland to go "F" himself, click:

I ask Rowland about his fat pension and nice house here:

This explains the insanity in Connecticut in a nutshell:

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[click here] for:

Connecticut Governor not running next election

Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell out relaxing. Is there a smoking gun in the Rell administration? Scroll down for pictures and more.
[click here for post]

Steven G. Erickson photo above. Picture is taken just after moving to Connecticut [that story]

This blogger's email:

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[click here] for:

The Greatest Fraud Ever Pulled, A Kids' Story?

What do these below pictures have to do with a 3rd Grade Children's fairy story? Well, they don't, I am appealing to the reptilian part of your brain to create interest in reading what is written below.

Justice Alex Kozinski's hobby of portraying nude women as cows [post]

Justice Alex Kozinski [post]



[click here] for:

The Connecticut State Trooper Gene Pool?

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