The story was about these trashy rich bitches in furs and Armani and Cavalli and Barbara Hutton-esque jewels (as in the woolworth heiress who, in the depths of the 1930's Great Depression inherited $150 mill only to die 50 years later with $2000 in her chequeing account after pissing ALL of her fortune away, mostly on jewels that she then gave away to strangers, INCLUDING a tiara made for CATHERINE THE GREAT!) and loads of slutty latex and silky lingerie.
Here's a lil' sneak peak.

After we wrapped, Cassie and I realized that we (like most in the fashion industry) were STARVING!!! In a stroke of genius, she suggested we get some Singaporean Mudcrab at this dodgy little upstairs restaurant with pussy-pink muslin curtains and a big happy chinese lookin' guy on the sign outside:

who's a happy crabman???


Congratulating ourselves on discovering a new hidden treasure of Sydney Dining, on the way out we were confronted BY THIS:
Sometimes it feels like you can't even scratch your fucking arse in this town without the Ronnies having already been there, done that! You gotta give it to the girls though, they know a thing or two about was!
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