Saturday, January 23, 2010

On a mission?

If I can get funding and use the set up I have, I'd like to produce a documentary to include the below subject. I received the below by email.

The transactions we are witnessing today in Huminski v Corsones (1:99-cv-00160) in Brattleboro, Vermont - a First Amendment case, and Fine v Sheriff (2:08-cv-01914) in Los Angeles, California - a Habeas Corpus Petition, provide additional evidence for my allegations of large-scale fraud in operation PACER & CM/ECF - the case management systems (CMSs) of the United States courts. It was further alleged, that such widespread misconduct of the courts was at the foundation of the current crisis. There simply is no way to exert honest banking regulation on the foundation of fraudulent conduct at the US courts from coast to coast. The remedy must include publicly-accountable validation (certified, functional logic verification) of CMSs in the courts, in prisons, in public corporations and in financial institutions.

The failing of the US District Court, Brattleboro, Vermont, to enter, or reject entry, of my Ex Parte Application
[1] in Huminski v Corsones (1:99-cv-00160), a landmark case in re: First Amendment rights, was no surprise at all. In fact, it was predicted in my previous emails to you, copied below... Please also notice the extra precautions in my proof of service. The mailing to the Vermont clerk, alone of all parties, was by certified, restricted, return receipt USPS mail. Furthermore, the certificate of service included a URL for an online, digitally signed, dated, and time-stamped copy of the paper, so that the there would be a public proof, in case the court adulterated my paper, which had often happened in the past.

Have you ever checked the "Related Transactions Report", or the "Docketing Activity Report" in PACER in your cases at the US courts? These are two of the remaining publicly-accessible safeguards for integrity of the dockets at the US courts, where available. Not all US courts permit pubic access to these reports either. For example, the US District Court, Los Angeles denies public access to the "Docket Activity Report" with no legal foundation at all for such denial of access. Review of such reports and CM/ECF manuals, would show that there is no way to enter your opposition
[2] to my ex parte application in an honest, valid, and effectual manner, if my ex parte application had never been entered in the docket in the first place. In fact, if your opposition would be entered without entering my ex parte application first, it would be a good documentation of the fraud in operation of PACER & CM/ECF at the US District Court, Vermont, which is what my ex parte application set out to accomplish in the first place.

Please notice me, in case the US District Court, Vermont, responds on your opposition with an NEF, a notice of discrepancy, or any other notice that would either accept or reject the entry of your paper. I would likewise expediently keep you posted if I ever get any communications regarding acceptance or rejection of my ex parte application.

None of the multiple US District Courts and US Courts of Appeals that I have examined had any local rules of courts providing permission for clerks and/or judges to have paper vanish - eliminate papers from court dockets at will. Likewise, none had local rules permitting the listing of false and deliberately misleading items in the online PACER dockets, which appeared to PACER users as entered, when in fact, CM/ECF users could tell that such items were not entered at all. However, all US courts that I examined engaged in such practices. Regarding my vanishing papers, I assume that judges and clerks misguidedly believed that they were authorized to do so, since my papers were deemed by them "scandalous". However, they should have documented through a lawful procedure, that a paper was filed, but was eliminated from the docket on such grounds, or any other grounds that they found to permit their conduct.

Furthermore, if you survey the PACER dockets in the various US courts, you would soon realize that even papers that were initially "docketed" were later removed in certain PACER dockets, with no sealing order, or any justification at all. In some cases, I found dockets in PACER , where particular records were removed from the PACER dockets, with a note - "Available in person at the clerk's office only". Such practice as found, for example, in records allegedly documenting racketeering in the courts across the US by Countrywide/Bank of America Corporation. Again - there was never any legal foundation for such practice by US judges and/or clerks.

Keeping honest dockets is fundamental to numerous Human Rights in ratified International Law, it is also fundamental for First, Fifth/Fourteenth, and Sixth Amendment rights in US Law. Likewise, it is also fundamental for honest banking regulation. Such concepts were well established for generations in the Paper Era.

My ex parte application in Huminski v Corsones was also served on Richard Fine, falsely hospitalized in Los Angeles since March 10, 2010. In a way, your abused docket in Huminski v Corsones and his abused docket in the habeas corpus petition - Fine v Sheriff - were linked through this filing, which alleged willful misconduct of the US courts from coast to coast through operation of PACER & CM/ECF. My filing in Huminski v Corsones also served to inform Richard Fine in jail, regarding the scope of the alleged fraud in the conduct of the US courts today. Fine started his journey as a believer in the US justice system - in contrast with the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, whose widespread corruption he had documented, exposed, and rebuked.

Richard Fine's case is yet additional support for my claims of the central role of case management systems (CMSs), such as PACER & CM/ECF in the deterioration of the US justice system in the digital era. Richard Fine had served as a US Prosecutor. He was a highly accomplished attorney. Therefore, his faith in the US justice system had to reflect his own experience as an insider over a number of years in the Anti-trust Division of the US Dept of Justice. However, his experience there was during the Paper Era, while his current abuse and wrongful hospitalization, sanctioned by the US District Court, Los Angeles, and the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, albeit - through fraudulent court papers - Kozinski Frauds - was exerted in the Digital Era. Finally - his story demonstrated that even a former US Prosecutor and highly accomplished attorney, had never figured out the fraud perpetrated on him through a quartet of CMSs in LA County and beyond:
a) LA Superior Court -
c) US District Court, LA - PACER & CM/ECF platform, US District Court, LA version
d) US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit -
PACER & CM/ECF platform, US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit verion.

Court records of Huminski v Corsones (1:99-cv-00160) and Fine v Sheriff (2:08-cv-01914) documented willful misconduct of US District Courts from coast to coast in PACER & CM/ECF. The remedy must include publicly-accountable validation (certified, functional logic verification) of CMSs in the courts, in prisons, in public corporations and in financial institutions. The current US crisis is not a financial/ economic crisis per se, but an integrity crisis - similar to previous depressions, including, but not limited to the Great Depression that started in 1929, and which did not end in fact until WWII.

If no attempt is made to remedy the underlying integrity failure, the US should be ready for a prolonged economic depression.

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