OpEd News Diary Entry by Jason Paz
I know we have human services personnel and NGO's that do a fine job. There are 4 millions human beings abducted every year. Most of the slip through the safety net. :::::::: Whistle Blowers and Other Endangered Species Populist politicos, whistle blowers and other endangered species run risks. We say in the Middle East that truth telling is the most dangerous occupation. From last summer I have prayed for the safety of Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich and Barack Obama. Whistle blowers exist under daily threats and intimidation. Most human beings fold under the pressure. A prominent man in town defrauded my friend William. He sued the man in court. The fraud artist issued some threats and then sent thugs to beat up my friend. After he persisted, the gangsters hung him from the chandelier in his apartment. They said it was a suicide. After I proved my landlord didn't own the property, he assaulted me with a lead pipe. I documented my injuries with the hospital and guarded my evidence with my attorney. I went into hiding for two years while I completed a book about the incident. There should be a law enforcement Agency to shield whistle blowers from abuse. The victims need good advice how to cope with the Police and the legal system. They should provide a haven for women fleeing from pimps or violent husbands. Abused children need a place where they know someone will listen to them. Too often the authorities come down on the side of the bad guys.
The articles reflect additional thoughts that expand on the author's ten volumes Genesis Begins the Millennia. The work begins in 1995 with a fictional account of ordinary Israelis absorbed with everyday events. There are extraordinary happenings the characters gradually recognize as portents of the Messianic Age. Volumes four and five show why the Messiah decided to delay His arrival.
Volumes six through ten [Tradebombers] begin six weeks before the 9/11 World Trade Center tragedy. Again, the characters portray ordinary citizen reaction to extraordinary events.
Jason PazThe articles reflect additional thoughts that expand on the author's ten volumes Genesis Begins the Millennia. The work begins in 1995 with a fictional account of ordinary Israelis absorbed with everyday events. There are extraordinary happenings the characters gradually recognize as portents of the Messianic Age. Volumes four and five show why the Messiah decided to delay His arrival.
Volumes six through ten [Tradebombers] begin six weeks before the 9/11 World Trade Center tragedy. Again,...
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A Hard Life in a Blue Police State
The Israeli officials broke my arm, blinded me for four years and crippled me for life. Luckily, I remained alive because they figured I was rendered harmless. Everyone should read your links to learn about the cesspool that is New England. I fled from that chamber of horrors in 1983, after the election of Ronald Reagan. There was every indication the America I knew and loved was dying. Maybe, you are snakebit in Connecticut, but it appears you know how to survive with your dignity intact. A lesser man would have escaped to Asia.
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Those that got "mouthy" about the real powers in government or were internal whistleblowers about police, court, official, and attorney corruption could be just led to the nearest tree and lynched. In modern times we have "scragging", and the pain and suffering lasts longer and you never know who or why, you just know you've been scragged.
The old definition of "scragging" was "stranggling", to "scrag" was to strangle. A scrag can mean a bony small person. Being "scragged" in Connecticut should have an official definition in dictionaries. [click here for more]
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