Saturday, November 1, 2008

The People Speak Radio

Charlotte Dennett is wearing baseball cap, photo (file) 10-25-08 Brattleboro, Vermont

and short biography of Charlotte Dennett based on the radio show I listened to:

I found the radio show link [here].

Charlotte Dennett, the Progressive candidate for Vermont Attorney General [official website] speaks about her life in the above, top link. Her campaign promise is to prosecute George W. Bush for murder if elected. She would appoint Vincent Bugliosi to be her special prosecutor. [more]

Charlotte Dennett was born in Beirut, Lebanon, daughter of a master spy in the OSS also a diplomat. Her father died there under mysterious circumstances and the family moved back to the US when she was a baby.

Dennett's professional life started in journalism writing for the Beirut Daily Star.

Jerry Colby (now of NWU, National Writer's Union) convinced Charlotte to go to the Amazon with him to investigate genocide in the Amazon [post], to write "Thy Will be Done". The more I read, the more amazing this married couple seems to be.

Colby and Dennett stood up to the Duponts, who were upset about being written about. [that book] The Duponts wanted their book suppressed based on its content.

Dennett might bring back a better reputation of public service of lawyers, giving her old fashioned approach to the law. Hopefully she is voted in on Tuesday to be Vermont's Attorney General.

After reading Vincent Bugliosi's book, "The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder", she decided to do just that, if voted into the office of Vermont Attorney General. Every Attorney General has been mailed a copy of Vince's book. Will any of them have the guts to prosecute George W. Bush in the other 49 states? Jurisdiction has now been established thanks to Vincent Bugliosi.

Charlotte Dennett talked with Kristina Borjesson author of "Into the Buzzsaw", about getting in touch with Vincent Bugliosi. Are we being lied into a war with Iran, what are the corporate military insiders doing, etc? Borjesson is said to go into describing the minefields journalists go through just reporting and writing on certain subjects. Ilene Proctor, an international publicist for Borjesson and Vince Bugliosi is reported to have helped get Charlotte and Vince out on the campaign together in Vermont. [video of Bugliosi and Dennett serving the VT AG in Montpelier]

Vincent Bugliosi and Charlotte have been a team on a mission since first meeting in Massachusetts.

Charlotte has a currently, greater known sibling. If you google Dennett, at the time of this writing, you would probably be more apt to find philosopher, Daniel Clement Dennett. After reading about Mr. Dennett, I would like to talk to him about the Middle East. I met and talked with Sergei Krushchev in Rhode Island, at an import/export conference and dinner, Sergei is the son of Nikita Khrushchev. Daniel Clement Dennett would probably be an even greater treasure trove of information than was Khrushchev.

Charlotte Dennett's current website [found here]. Charlotte has only been campaigning since September, so she really has made an impression in very little time. Besides promising to prosecute George W. Bush, Charlotte is also promising to close Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant. [raw footage of a protest parade in Brattleboro, Vermont, 10-25-08]

When polls started to be taken, it seems that a majority of Americans supported the impeachment of George W. Bush. Why shouldn't they then support the prosecution of George W. Bush if polls are taken?

We have to be vigilant in Vermont, and all over the US, and bear witness at the polls to help prevent Voter Fraud and Election rigging. [post]

Anthony Polina is the Progressive candidate for Vermont Governor. Burrowed-in-Democrats are afraid of the traction Polina is getting. Charlotte and others in the Vermont Progressive Party are a force to be reckoned with. The Progressive Party platform started in 1912 with a split in the Republican party involving Teddy Roosevelt. [more]

Are some American parents saying, "The Iraqis didn't kill my son, George W. Bush did"?

A quote from 1928 Calvin Coolidge engraved on the Vermont State House walls:
"If the spirit of liberty should vanish in other parts of the union, the support of our institutions should languish, it could all be replenished from the generous store held by the people of this brave little state of Vermont."

The above written by Steven G. Erickson

Interesting links:

Vermont's Secessionist Movement

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Some "Team Prosecute Bush" member photos:

Vincent Bugliosi and Charlotte Dennett

Kristina Borgesson

Ralph Lopez

Ilene Proctor, International Publicist

[click here] for "Team Prosecute Bush" video

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CIA’s Failure of Memory: Daniel Dennett, the Forgotten First Star?

The below found on this [CIA webpage]

Consider two officers who died in strikingly similar circumstances. In 1989, a CIA officer was killed in the line of duty when the twin-engine aircraft he was traveling in crashed into a mountain in a remote part of the Horn of Africa. Forty-two years before, another officer lost his life, also in the line of duty, when his twin-engine aircraft crashed, also into a mountain in a remote area of the Horn of Africa. Both officers came from academia, both loved history and languages, and both were highly regarded even though both were relatively new to the world of intelligence. There are significant differences in the two cases, of course, but regarding commemoration none more important than this: the officer who died in 1989 is represented by a star on the Memorial Wall and is remembered in the annual memorial ceremony, but the officer who died in 1947 has no memorial at CIA and is not remembered by the institution. How could this be? The answer is as simple as the calendar.

Born in 1910, Daniel C. Dennett, Jr., was a college professor and Mideast specialist with a Harvard Ph.D., proficiency in the Arabic language (as well as in German and French), and experience traveling and studying abroad in Arab and African countries; in the early 1930s he had taught at the American University in Beirut. Contemporary scholars of the Mideast considered him unusually insightful, even brilliant. In 1943, both the Office of Strategic Services and the State Department sought his services, but he chose intelligence over diplomacy and entered OSS. In the spring of 1944, Dennett went to Beirut as the OSS chief of the

X-2 (counterintelligence) mission, serving in that position through the war’s end and continuing as the representative in Beirut of the Strategic Services Unit, the successor organization of OSS. In mid-1946, Dennett was made the head of operations in Beirut, and he remained in that position when the SSU organization in Beirut was reorganized under the new Central Intelligence Group, the immediate predecessor of CIA.

X-2 (counterintelligence) mission, serving in that position through the war’s end and continuing as the representative in Beirut of the Strategic Services Unit, the successor organization of OSS. In mid-1946, Dennett was made the head of operations in Beirut, and he remained in that position when the SSU organization in Beirut was reorganized under the new Central Intelligence Group, the immediate predecessor of CIA.

The plane crash that took Dennett’s life occurred on 20 March 1947, six months before CIG swapped its initials for CIA as a result of the Agency’s enabling legislation, the National Security Act of 1947. Because Dennett died before CIA legally came into being, his case was automatically disallowed in early 1974 when CIA’s Honor and Merit Board considered death cases to be represented by the first stars to be carved onto the Memorial Wall. Although he had been an OSS officer, he died well after World War II ended. Daniel Dennett is represented neither on the OSS memorial on one side of the OHB lobby nor on the CIA Memorial Wall on the other—as a CIG officer he almost literally falls in between, and he has fallen therefore from institutional memory.

There is a compelling argument that this highly praised and deeply respected US intelligence officer should be considered CIA’s forgotten first star and should be commemorated on CIA’s Memorial Wall. Most aspects of CIG as an organization—leadership, personnel, facilities, files, directives, practices and procedures—remained unchanged when it became CIA. It could be said that the only thing noticeable that changed was the letterhead—except that CIG letterhead was often used until it ran out. Of all the organizational transitions in CIA’s direct lineage—OSS to SSU, SSU to CIG, CIG to CIA—the last of these was truly seamless. Certainly the Agency’s leadership considered that CIA was simply a continuation of CIG.[30] The most appropriate example of the proposition that a death during the CIG period should be considered a CIA death is the personnel action terminating Dennett’s service due to his death: it was executed by CIA on 3 October 1947, 15 days after CIG became CIA.

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Daniel Dennett's daughter, born in Beirut, Lebanon, Charlotte Dennett is part of "Team Prosecute Bush", Charlotte returned to the States at about age, 6 weeks. From a Radio Broadcast included in [this link], Charlotte speaks about Vincent Bugliosi, her father, her husband, Jerry Colby (now of NWU, National Writer's Union), Kristina Borjesson author of "Into the Buzzsaw", her brother, Daniel Clement Dennett, Calvin Coolidge, and [more].

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