Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ask Sean Williams?

Sean Williams [webpage], a Connecticut State Representative on the Commerce Committee [webpage], says:
"Listening to our fellow citizens and responding to their concerns with common sense solutions to protect individual freedoms and provide a better quality of life for all of Connecticut."

Subject of email I sent to him: Connecticut's Reputation Harming Commerce?

I am posting this open email to you [here].

I read the quote under your picture in your webpage [here], and wanted to see if you are willing to back up your own words.

If Police in Connecticut act [like this], and members of the judiciary are [doing this], why should anyone move to, stay in, have a business in, retire in, raise a family in, own a home in, or even drive through Connecticut?

Are you willing to propose an official Commerce Committee hearing be held to discuss [this]?

Thank you,
Steven G. Erickson

The above to be sent to all members on the CT Commerce Committee:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

[click here] for Mary Ann Handley on Ethics, Trust, and Government

The Judicial Branch in Connecticut sealed public comment [like this] and gave themselves straight A's in a taxpayer paid hearing [like this], after rigging a survey [like this].

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Want to see more in this blog? [click here], scroll down

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[click here] for:

Merits-relatedness and misconduct complaints

This is typical of an email that I receive everyday:

Re: Merits-relatedness and misconduct complaints‏
From: Barbara C. Johnson

Barbara C. Johnson is a former candidate for Massachusetts Governor [post]

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[click here] for:
Connecticut Constitution Convention Campaign
there needs to be work done on the Connecticut Constitution [website]

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Grand Juries and the need for them, explained:

Judge Arthur L. Spada, and former Connecticut State Police Commissioner, was "an only member" of the Connecticut's grand jury system. Citizens, such as myself, that want Spada investigated, might end up in jail, and Spada isn't investigated. Should officials that fear prosecution and who are known to retaliate against those that break ranks within the system, and that are known to target "mouthy" citizens be the ONLY checks and balances citizens and officials have when they try and complain about public corruption?

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[click here] for:

Subject: "Gay Bashing"

Connecticut Judiciary Committee, Co-chairs, Andrew J. McDonald and Michael P. Lawlor

The below text sent to:,,,,

My email to them, subject: "Gay Bashing"

[click here] for more

keywords: homosexual rights Connecticut State Police Misconduct Prosecutorial Attorney Official Judge Judicial Judiciary committee legislator hearing brutality class action legal civil rights abuse rape sodomy ass masters child porno pornography sex video x-rated free pizza Connecticut restaurants vacation travel virgin naked nude stripper rash big brother patriot act domestic spying nsa drug war crack cocaine heroin prostitute Peter J. Coukos Frank Prochaska Mulcahey Amaral Longlois Micheal Langlois Colonel Davoren Barry Connecticut State Police Commissioner John A. Danaher III Arthur L. Spada Governor M. Jodi Rell John G. Rowland scandal corruption

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added August 11, 2008, 10:30 AM EST:

To the Connecticut Program Review and Investigations Committee:

To whom it may concern:

Should any Connecticut citizen be put on a "target list" if she or he is dating or married to if a police officer, judge, prosecutor, or powerful official want their perceived romantic rival out of the way? Should any Connecticut citizen be put on a "target list" if they refuse to date or break off a relationship with a police officer, prosecutors, judge, or powerful official? Should a citizen that proposes laws to elected officials or exposes public corruption, should that citizen end up on a "target list"?

A Stafford Officer seemed to be enamored by my former European lingerie model wife when I co-founded the Stafford Springs, CT, Crime Watch. Officer Prochaska told me that if I proposed laws regarding youth crimes to elected officials that I would be arrested and run out of Connecticut. A drug dealer knew I reported drug dealers to police so he beat me and bit into my ear, I bled down to my underwear. Peter Panciera fled the scene as I was dialing 911. His cocaine customers told police they didn't know who bit and beat me. I found the culprit for police. Officer Prochaska re-interviewed the drug customers, and they suddenly remembered him, contradicting their former statements saying only I attacked the cocaine dealer. I was facing prison for having been bitten and beaten left to bleed down to my underwear. Officer Prochaska arrested me.

I beat that rap as I had refused to get a lawyer and would have demanded the ape that attacked me, stand next to me in any proceeding and the 911 tape be played.

A Connecticut State Police Informant Barbara Sattel, had been assigned to target me by State Police after I divorced. She admitted that she had been offered $10,000 allegedly by Col. Thomas "The Duck" Davoren to set me up for a false arrest to keep me from proposing Civilian Oversight of Police and Connecticut court reform. Sattel told me that the orders to do me in came from the very top, which I assume is former Police Commissioner Arthur L. Spada, who allegedly conspired with Judge Jonathan Kaplan to railroad me to prison. If you want evidence and more information, please contact me.

Trooper Langlois and Amaral committed perjury saying I never asked to make a complaint when I was attacked by their operative, Brian Caldwell, at the rigged trial. Review my trial transcripts to see what passes as "justice" in Connecticut.

I believe Arthur L. Spada was the only man on a one man Grand Jury that would have heard evidence against police, himself, the prosecutor, and judge Kaplan. Should a Grand Jury member be able to rig the only check and balance right of citizens? I have a proposal for a private attorney general and citizen run grand jury system, would you like to hear it?

Sattel broke down and confessed to me what she had been asked to do as she wanted a relationship with me. I broke the relationship off. She threatened me with losing my $500,000 in Connecticut real estate, losing my daughter, being kicked out of Connecticut, AND going to prison if I didn't continue to date her.

The scandal of the Green Party Campaign Manager for Connecticut Governor being arrested on sight for being on the Connecticut secret "Enemies List" proves the existence of the list.

Should citizens face a lifetime of harassment, imprisonment, and have their lives dismantled over personal vendettas and retaliation for exposing public corruption? Should political targets be put on terrorist and "no fly" lists?

Should State Police officers be able to rape and sexually assault women, underage girls, and former girlfriends and wifes terrorizing them into silence?

Should tax dollars be used to ruin the lives of taxpayers to take them offline and unable to own a home or get a job? Should tax dollars be used to break up families?

Will you call a special hearing to hear from victims and to hear proposals of solutions?

Please act for justice to restore American freedoms and the US Constitution to Connecticut.

-Steven G. Erickson

emailed to:,,,,,,,,,,,

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Steven G. Erickson before being railroaded to prison for exposing public corruption in the Connecticut State Police and Courts.

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