Thursday, July 3, 2008

The History of Public Corruption in Connecticut

A Google online book is just amazing for its information on Windham County in Connecticut.
[the google book]

A Video that describes modern Windham County, the Connecticut State Police, and the attitudes and ethics of Official Connecticut:

[click here] for complete version of the above

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[click here] for:

Nepotism and Corruption in the Connecticut Judicial Branch?

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The idea for this post came from this, below response, in [this thread]:

Dal90 // Jul 3, 2008 at 5:16 pm Quote · Add karma Subtract karma --1

No, no TV for me.

I will try and get to the local library if they still have a great pamphlet I can no longer remember the name of; there’s a mid-50s version before the wave of local reform and a post-reform version that explained Connecticut government in good detail. That brochure was actually a cooperative project with one of the Federal foreign aid agencies since it was designed for students from foreign governments.

A lot of the rest is just a collection of numerous books & reading over the years.

To go back to colonial days, some of the most fascinating reading can be found in Larned’s History of Windham County. Fascinating for both themes that continue to reverberate today in their parallels, as well as noting what has and has not changed. God bless Google Books (even though I have a recent reprint):

The 1745 murder of a bastard child, from a secret pregnancy, and subsequent execution of Elizabeth Shaw (p. 288);

Dr. Hallowel’s performing an abortion, resulting in the death of the woman, in 1747 and the subsequent trial and jail escape to exile in Rhode Island (bottom p. 362);

Or my favorite, the 1726 issue showing that in nearly 300 years our government bureaucracy is just as inept and politicians just as good at playing hot potatoe — that being the case of the poor idiot Peter Davison. He lived in an area, Mortlake, that was outside of a town’s jurisdiction and who was responsible to pay for his care came to involve at least Pomfret, Norwich, Plainfield, Mansfield, the New London County Court, it was the very first case on the docket when the Windham County Court was established, the General Court, and the Governor & Council. (pages 213, 267, and 344…it was quite a story :) )

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added July 4th

I tried to post the below on a Connecticut Local Politics thread:

There are many that have a problem on all holidays, including the fourth.

Bill Dorriss was an antiques dealer in New Haven. His dog bit another dog. Because there were children across the street, he was charged with multiple counts of risk of injury to minors because they witnessed the incident. Dorriss faced spending the rest of his life in prison. He lost his business and fled the tyranny of Official Connecticut.

Ritt Goldstein, a prominent businessman, and rising star in the Connecticut Democratic Party assembled international experts from around the world, and also had victims of Connecticut's courts and police, testify at a special Judiciary Committee Legislative Hearing in Hartford, the video:

Ritt fled the US soon after making the above video to seek political asylum in Sweden. Connecticut police terrorized him that much.

I wasn't getting protection and service from police at my rental properties I had fixed up from a boarded up condition in Connecticut. I went to a CT State Senator asking him to help remove the Prosecutor that told me if I evicted a prostitute that had come to him about my trying to evict her for moving in without permission not paying rent, that I would be arrested and prosecuted. I had also tried to remove a judge for his bias in civil cases. I proposed Civilian Oversight of Police. I then had two separate drugging felons trying to attack me at each of my property locations. I had been told by Connecticut State Police Officers that I was kicked out of Connecticut and if I didn't leave I would be arrested. I was and went to prison for resisting being beaten up on my property by a police informant encouraged to attack and terrorize me. My recent email to John G. Rowland:

Don Christmas also proposed Civilian Oversight of Police and also complained about unfairness in the courts and at the hands of police. He is also a mouthy landlord that talked to reporters. Then a 14 year old prostitute girlfriend of a police officer attacked him from behind slapping him and yelling at him. Only Donny was arrested ALSO facing a year and a half in prison no deals. Video:

Chris Kennedy, ALSO made a complaint about a Connecticut State Police Officer, contacted Rell's legal staffer, and ALSO tried to complain and have Judge Jonathan Kaplan removed for his extreme behavior. Kennedy faced 30 years in prison for checking the wrong box on a court financial form, an oversight. Kennedy was arrested a day after making a complaint about bias and financial improprieties of a State Police Officer. Kennedy's charges were lessened after I faced Rell face to face and asked her why Kennedy was facing 30 years in prison for exposing public corruption in the police, the courts, and elected offices. Kennedy video:

Police in Connecticut have CT State Registered Confidential Police Informants that are paid tax dollars to beat up and kill "Mouthy" citizens. An informant under oath about policies that have not changed:

Happy 4th of July. Celebrate "Freedom"

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[click here] for post on the national scandal of the firing of US Attorneys for political reasons

[click here] for the journalist, and former Green Party campaign manager for Connecticut Governor, who was on the Connecticut State Police secret "Enemies List" and was arrested on sight, facing prison.

The Grand Jury System, and the need for it, explained:

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