Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Email to CT Legislators

Subject: CT Teacher Julie Amero

The below open letter to you [posted here]

This woman has done nothing wrong [blog post] and she is still facing 40 years in prison for something popping up on a computer screen. The courts and police have demonstrated themselves as not being able to act in the best interest of the public, pursuing and not pursuing charges, and using commonsense.

6 gang members stabbed a person to death. These dangerous criminals did not get sentenced to even a day in prison!

I went to State Senators Guglielmo and Kissel proposing Civilian Oversight of Police, asking for court reform so it acted to help level the playing field for property investors and small business owners in downtown Connecticut, and asking that Judge Jonathan Kaplan be removed for bias in civil cases.

I then had druggie felons at my Somersville and Stafford Springs properties. I knew that if either attacked me on my property, only I would be arrested by a Troop C, Connecticut State Trooper. After renting cars, hiding inside my homes, the inevitable happened, I was attacked by one of the felons on my Stafford Springs property.

State Police officers threatened me with another arrest if I did not leave Connecticut. I came back to Connecticut to be sentenced to a year in prison for having pepper sprayed a man that had threatened my life, and continued to terrorize me after attacking me. The felon was never even arrested.

Since I have lost contact with my daughter after being railroaded to prison in 2002, lost my ability to own a home, my retirement, credit, pets, health insurance, possessions, and the ability to get almost all paying jobs. I have gotten a life’s sentence, prosecutor Keith Currier (sp.?) refused to give me AR. He told me if I evicted a prostitute, Lana Thompson, who had moved in without my permission, without wanting to pay rent, he would prosecute me. He did.

The courts are fixed and part of the retaliation and targeting of citizens campaign, perpetrated by the Connecticut State Police, who seem to be running a domestic spying and citizen abuse cartel.

If I had my record expunged, I could go on with my life, maybe re-raise a family, re-earn my retirement. I wish to leave the area or possibly even the US, forever. I am that disgusted with the corruption, kangaroo courts, and police that have no ethics or morals whatsoever. Perhaps, there are more officials and police that are good, but they are silent and help the bad do their bidding.

I am asking that you consider ending Julie Amero's daily nightmare. She had a miscarriage and the stress that the Connecticut judicial abuse may have shortened her life by a decade or more. Please look at my trial transcripts or consider letting me get on with my life. I believed in America, the efficacy of the courts, freedom, and that the US Constitution meant something.

After investing in the American Dream in Connecticut, my eyes are now open. Please let Julie, I, and others likewise abused to go on with their lives, unmolested for eternity.

Please do something, the courts are no remedy as they are now. There is no justice.

Thank you,

Steven G. Erickson

C/o Francis Knize

50 Sunset Pass Rd

Wilton, CT 06897

This email sent to:

Mcdonald@senatedems.ct.gov, mlawlor99@juno.com, Handley@senatedems.ct.gov, Gerald.Fox@cga.ct.gov, John.A.Kissel@cga.ct.gov, Arthur.ONeill@housegop.ct.gov, Al.Adinolfi@housegop.ct.gov, Bill.Aman@cga.ct.gov, Ryan.Barry@cga.ct.gov, Jeffrey.Berger@cga.ct.gov, Beth.Bye@cga.ct.gov, David.Cappiello@cga.ct.gov, Eric.Coleman@cga.ct.gov, Patricia.Dillon@cga.ct.gov, Mary.Fritz@cga.ct.gov, John.Geragosian@cga.ct.gov, Janice.Giegler@housegop.ct.gov, Bob.Godfrey@cga.ct.gov, Gomes@senatedems.ct.gov, Minnie.Gonzalez@cga.ct.gov, Kenneth.Green@cga.ct.gov, Gail.Hamm@cga.ct.gov, William.Hamzy@housegop.ct.gov, DebraLee.Hovey@housegop.ct.gov, Bryan.Hurlburt@cga.ct.gov, Themis.Klarides@housegop.ct.gov, David.Labriola@housegop.ct.gov, David.McCluskey@cga.ct.gov, Faith.McMahon@cga.ct.gov, Meyer@senatedems.ct.gov, Bruce.Morris@cga.ct.gov, Tim.Obrien@cga.ct.gov, Melissa.Olson@cga.ct.gov, Claudia.Powers@housegop.ct.gov, Andrew.Roraback@cga.ct.gov, TR.Rowe@housegop.ct.gov, Joseph.Serra@cga.ct.gov, James.Spallone@cga.ct.gov, cam9123@hotmail.com, Christopher.Stone@cga.ct.gov, William.Tong@cga.ct.gov, Toni.Walker@cga.ct.gov, Elissa.Wright@cga.ct.gov

Connecticut Public Safety Committee:
Stillman@senatedems.ct.gov, Stephen.Dargan@cga.ct.gov, Tom.Reynolds@cga.ct.gov, Daily@senatedems.ct.gov, Anthony.Guglielmo@cga.ct.gov, Raymond.Kalinowski@housegop.ct.gov, Penny.Bacchiochi@housegop.ct.gov, Betty.Boukus@cga.ct.gov, Charles.Clemons@cga.ct.gov, Chris.Caruso@cga.ct.gov, Kevin.DelGobbo@housegop.ct.gov, Lou.Esposito@cga.ct.gov, Ruth.Fahrbach@housegop.ct.gov, Ernest.Hewett@cga.ct.gov, Karen.Jarmoc@cga.ct.gov, Shawn.Johnston@cga.ct.gov, Joan.Lewis@cga.ct.gov, Steve.Mikutel@cga.ct.gov, Jim.Shapiro@cga.ct.gov, Kevin.Witkos@housegop.ct.gov

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