Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Domestic Spies

There should be no Domestic Spying in the United States of America.

Is Blackwater operating in the US as a Stassi-style secret police? [click here for more]

Do the Connecticut State Police need to be abolished?:

text with youtube.com video:

REASONS to Abolish The Connecticut State Police, links:

Bush, Patriot Act, Cartoon:

Links to all that I am accusing CT State Police of:

Davoren, Barbara Sattel link:

Former Norwalk CT Mayor talking about police wearing ski masks beating and abducting citizens to bring them to abandoned waterfront warehouses:

The Complete Ritt Goldstein, December 1996 Official Judiciary Committee legisltors hearing on Civilian Oversight of police with International experts and victims of Connecticut State Police:

Videos of properties, 18 School St, Somersville, and 3 and 5 Church St, Stafford Springs, CT 06076 that your tax dollars were paid to terrorize me out of:


Donald Christmas, also a Connecticut landlord, was arrested after being attacked by a 14 year old prostitute girlfriend of a Connecticut police officer:

M. Jody Rell's and the Connecticut State Police "Enemies List" to arrest and hold political prisoners:

Legislators want to further retaliate against victims of the Connecticut State Police, having them arrested on sight in public:

keywords: Connecticut Judicial Judiciary Legislative legislator Judge Jonathan Kaplan Arthur L. Spada Connecticut State Police Commissioner Leonard C. Boyle John A. Danaher III Governor John G. Rowland Rell Hartford Capitol Stafford Springs Somers Somersville Colonel Leuitenant Sargeant Trooper Troop C Tolland police brutality Amaral Langlois Thomas Davoren Tony Guglielmo Kissel Committee vote gun control First Amendment Second Constitution Homeland Security US Police State Big Brother Patriot Act President George W. Bush Supreme Court Martial Law

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Email to CT Legislators

Subject: CT Teacher Julie Amero

The below open letter to you [posted here]

This woman has done nothing wrong [blog post] and she is still facing 40 years in prison for something popping up on a computer screen. The courts and police have demonstrated themselves as not being able to act in the best interest of the public, pursuing and not pursuing charges, and using commonsense.

6 gang members stabbed a person to death. These dangerous criminals did not get sentenced to even a day in prison!

I went to State Senators Guglielmo and Kissel proposing Civilian Oversight of Police, asking for court reform so it acted to help level the playing field for property investors and small business owners in downtown Connecticut, and asking that Judge Jonathan Kaplan be removed for bias in civil cases.

I then had druggie felons at my Somersville and Stafford Springs properties. I knew that if either attacked me on my property, only I would be arrested by a Troop C, Connecticut State Trooper. After renting cars, hiding inside my homes, the inevitable happened, I was attacked by one of the felons on my Stafford Springs property.

State Police officers threatened me with another arrest if I did not leave Connecticut. I came back to Connecticut to be sentenced to a year in prison for having pepper sprayed a man that had threatened my life, and continued to terrorize me after attacking me. The felon was never even arrested.

Since I have lost contact with my daughter after being railroaded to prison in 2002, lost my ability to own a home, my retirement, credit, pets, health insurance, possessions, and the ability to get almost all paying jobs. I have gotten a life’s sentence, prosecutor Keith Currier (sp.?) refused to give me AR. He told me if I evicted a prostitute, Lana Thompson, who had moved in without my permission, without wanting to pay rent, he would prosecute me. He did.

The courts are fixed and part of the retaliation and targeting of citizens campaign, perpetrated by the Connecticut State Police, who seem to be running a domestic spying and citizen abuse cartel.

If I had my record expunged, I could go on with my life, maybe re-raise a family, re-earn my retirement. I wish to leave the area or possibly even the US, forever. I am that disgusted with the corruption, kangaroo courts, and police that have no ethics or morals whatsoever. Perhaps, there are more officials and police that are good, but they are silent and help the bad do their bidding.

I am asking that you consider ending Julie Amero's daily nightmare. She had a miscarriage and the stress that the Connecticut judicial abuse may have shortened her life by a decade or more. Please look at my trial transcripts or consider letting me get on with my life. I believed in America, the efficacy of the courts, freedom, and that the US Constitution meant something.

After investing in the American Dream in Connecticut, my eyes are now open. Please let Julie, I, and others likewise abused to go on with their lives, unmolested for eternity.

Please do something, the courts are no remedy as they are now. There is no justice.

Thank you,

Steven G. Erickson

C/o Francis Knize

50 Sunset Pass Rd

Wilton, CT 06897

This email sent to:

Mcdonald@senatedems.ct.gov, mlawlor99@juno.com, Handley@senatedems.ct.gov, Gerald.Fox@cga.ct.gov, John.A.Kissel@cga.ct.gov, Arthur.ONeill@housegop.ct.gov, Al.Adinolfi@housegop.ct.gov, Bill.Aman@cga.ct.gov, Ryan.Barry@cga.ct.gov, Jeffrey.Berger@cga.ct.gov, Beth.Bye@cga.ct.gov, David.Cappiello@cga.ct.gov, Eric.Coleman@cga.ct.gov, Patricia.Dillon@cga.ct.gov, Mary.Fritz@cga.ct.gov, John.Geragosian@cga.ct.gov, Janice.Giegler@housegop.ct.gov, Bob.Godfrey@cga.ct.gov, Gomes@senatedems.ct.gov, Minnie.Gonzalez@cga.ct.gov, Kenneth.Green@cga.ct.gov, Gail.Hamm@cga.ct.gov, William.Hamzy@housegop.ct.gov, DebraLee.Hovey@housegop.ct.gov, Bryan.Hurlburt@cga.ct.gov, Themis.Klarides@housegop.ct.gov, David.Labriola@housegop.ct.gov, David.McCluskey@cga.ct.gov, Faith.McMahon@cga.ct.gov, Meyer@senatedems.ct.gov, Bruce.Morris@cga.ct.gov, Tim.Obrien@cga.ct.gov, Melissa.Olson@cga.ct.gov, Claudia.Powers@housegop.ct.gov, Andrew.Roraback@cga.ct.gov, TR.Rowe@housegop.ct.gov, Joseph.Serra@cga.ct.gov, James.Spallone@cga.ct.gov, cam9123@hotmail.com, Christopher.Stone@cga.ct.gov, William.Tong@cga.ct.gov, Toni.Walker@cga.ct.gov, Elissa.Wright@cga.ct.gov

Connecticut Public Safety Committee:
Stillman@senatedems.ct.gov, Stephen.Dargan@cga.ct.gov, Tom.Reynolds@cga.ct.gov, Daily@senatedems.ct.gov, Anthony.Guglielmo@cga.ct.gov, Raymond.Kalinowski@housegop.ct.gov, Penny.Bacchiochi@housegop.ct.gov, Betty.Boukus@cga.ct.gov, Charles.Clemons@cga.ct.gov, Chris.Caruso@cga.ct.gov, Kevin.DelGobbo@housegop.ct.gov, Lou.Esposito@cga.ct.gov, Ruth.Fahrbach@housegop.ct.gov, Ernest.Hewett@cga.ct.gov, Karen.Jarmoc@cga.ct.gov, Shawn.Johnston@cga.ct.gov, Joan.Lewis@cga.ct.gov, Steve.Mikutel@cga.ct.gov, Jim.Shapiro@cga.ct.gov, Kevin.Witkos@housegop.ct.gov

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Typical Connecticut Police Scheming?

[click here] for

Dangerous Goofball Squad, The Connecticut State Police

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Social Worker Suing City Police

Ex-DCF Child Abuse Investigator Says Officers Pushed Her To Lie About Drugs At Apartment

A state social worker is accusing four Hartford police officers of pressuring her to lie about the possible presence of drugs inside an apartment where two people were arrested and four children were removed three years ago.

Valerie M. Miles' refusal to change her report to remove mention of the three small plastic bags she said she saw, including one containing "a small quantity of a white substance," led to her arrest in 2005 and temporarily cost her her job at the state Department of Children and Families.

The police officers did not mention the bags in their reports, and no bags were seized as evidence.

Miles, 51, contends in a lawsuit filed against the Hartford Police Department that the officers charged her with fabricating evidence and witness tampering in retaliation for her decision not to cooperate. She is seeking money damages for emotional suffering and for damage to her reputation from publicity surrounding the case.

After losing her DCF job following her arrest in 2005, Miles was unable to pay her mortgage, and the lender began foreclosing on her house, said her attorney, Leon M. Rosenblatt of West Hartford.

"She wants to clear her name," Rosenblatt said Wednesday when asked about the lawsuit, which is pending in U.S. District Court in Hartford. "She has had some permanent financial damages because of this, and she wants some recompense."

Miles, a veteran DCF caseworker, was making more than $100,000 a year when she was arrested. She appealed her dismissal through the state employees union and got a state job back in May 2006, although she no longer works as a child abuse investigator for DCF. The criminal charges were dropped after she completed a period of special probation that resolved the case without a finding of innocence or guilt.

The lawsuit names the city of Hartford and four officers — Cheryl Gogins, Robert W. Russell, Joseph M. Davis and James A. Bernier — as defendants. Bernier is a police supervisor.

The lawsuit accuses the officers of abuse of power, malicious prosecution, false arrest and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Hartford police officials did not return phone messages seeking comment Wednesday. Sarah Barr, a spokesman for Mayor Eddie A. Perez, said it is the city's standard policy not to comment on pending litigation.

A source familiar with the case said the department launched an internal affairs investigation into the matter and that all of the officers insisted there were no plastic bags containing drugs in the house.

Miles' clash with police began May 27, 2005, when she was dispatched to an apartment on Hudson Street about 5:15 p.m. in response to a report that four children were living in deplorable conditions. Police were there and planning to arrest the children's mother and uncle, according to Miles' lawsuit.

The lawsuit said garbage was strewed about the house. The refrigerator was nearly empty. The children's beds were piled with clothing. There were rotten tomatoes in the mother's bedroom. There were empty beer cans on the kitchen table, and the children were hungry and infested with head lice.

While in the house, Miles saw Gogins, Russell and Davis search and arrest the mother and the uncle. Miles said in the lawsuit that during the search she saw the officers find three small bags, one of them containing a "white substance." She put that information into the report she filed in juvenile court supporting her decision to take the children into state custody.

A few days later, Miles said she got a call from Gogins asking her for a favor. The plastic bags Miles mentioned in her report were not in the police report, and Gogins told her the other officers were scared the matter would be investigated by internal affairs, the lawsuit states.

"I'm going to need you to change your statement. I need you to do me a favor, Mama," Gogins allegedly told Miles, according to the lawsuit.

Miles refused to deny the existence of the bags but agreed to amend her statement so it made no mention of the bags being placed in evidence because she did not actually see the officers do that, the lawsuit said. Her amended statement included a note that the children in the apartment had told DCF workers about drug use in the home since they were taken into custody.

Hartford police continued to pressure Miles in the following weeks, the lawsuit states. Miles eventually got one of the children's aunts, who was also in the apartment when police were there, to corroborate her account, the lawsuit said.

But Hartford police said the aunt later told officers she felt pressured to lie and support Miles' account, which police used as the basis to charge Miles with fabricating evidence and tampering with a witness.

Contact Colin Poitras at cpoitras@courant.com.

More articles

[click here] for a post that should educate even "doubters" on how far down the sewer the American "Justice" System has sunken to

The continuing nightmare of Julie Amero

Official Connecticut is showing just how abusive, and medieval, it treats its citizens. A teacher that had nothing to do with porn popping up on a laptop computer faced decades in prison, allegedly miscarried a baby, and goes through daily torment, not knowing if she will be maliciously prosecuted by a system with officials that will knowingly prosecute an innocent woman.

Do they want to terrorize her out of suing and going after Connecticut police for misconduct and citizen abuse? What about the ridiculousness of Connecticut courts and judges, do they want to keep the pressure on her to keep her terrorized and quiet.

the subject blogged on [here]


Pausing For A Few Follow-Ups

Rick Green
January 1, 2008

Before we step any further into the new year, let's return to a few columns from 2007.

The last time I saw Julie Amero, outside a courthouse in Norwich, it appeared that justice had finally prevailed: Her wrongful conviction had been thrown out.

It was last June when Judge Hillary B. Strackbein tossed out the state's Keystone Cops conviction of Amero on bogus charges that she exposed seventh-graders to Internet porn while substituting at a Norwich Middle School.

Amero was teaching a class when a computer in her room was taken over by software that spewed an unending, uncontrollable stream of pornographic images. Although she physically blocked students from seeing the images, Amero failed to turn the machine off. For this, the school's principal, superintendent and local police fed her to the wolves.

Computer security experts eventually forced Judge Strackbein to throw the conviction out. Incredibly, the state of Connecticut still has not decided whether to retry Amero.

"It's pending on the trial list," New London State's Attorney Michael Regan said when I called him the other day. "I won't have any comment about that."

I turned to Kevin Kane, the chief state's attorney, to ask about this embarrassing episode.

"Sometimes in life you have to wait," Kane told me. "There is not a thing I can share with you."

One of Amero's leading supporters, Florida software executive Alex Eckelberry, told me he was at a recent conference in Vienna, Austria, where the Amero case was presented as an example of justice run amok.

"They were absolutely astounded," said Eckelberry, who helped assemble a team of experts to rebut the house-of-cards prosecution of Amero.

When I get the weekly calls from folks complaining about our probate court system I tell them reforms passed by the state legislature could begin to force consolidation, better training for staff and a more open hearing process.

Judge James Lawlor, who presides over the creaking, largely independent probate courts, told me things are going to get better in 2008 ­ if the courts don't go bankrupt.

"We lost $2 million last year," Lawlor told me last week.

Now, people with complaints can appeal directly to Lawlor to have the case moved to a different court. "We see courts becoming more professional," Lawlor said.

Later this month, the U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals will take up the case of Burlington High School student Avery Doninger, who was punished by administrators for using an offensive phrase while writing on a blog ­ at home.

In September, a federal judge ruled in favor of Lewis Mills High School administrators, who blocked Doninger from serving in a student government position after the superintendent of schools stumbled upon the teenager's crude Internet posting.

"High school students are citizens of this country. They have First Amendment rights," said Doninger's lawyer, Jon L. Schoenhorn. "It is the essence of big brother politics to allow school administrators to reach into the home and punish, against the will of the parent, for something one writes or expresses that is not threatening to anybody."

Teach for America
, which blows fresh air into stuffy public school classrooms by recruiting recent graduates to serve two-year stints as teachers, could be on to something. The national organization hopes in 2008 to expand beyond the 115 people working in Hartford, Bridgeport and New Haven, said Emily Barton, a Yale graduate supervising the Connecticut initiative.

Answering criticism that Teach for America doesn't offer long-term solutions, Barton told me that about 70 percent of recruits stay in education. There are 23 teachers working in Hartford this year, including Peter Lavorini, a Pennsylvania native working at Burr School.

"This is a conversion experience," Barton said. "I don't know anyone who does this for resume building. It's just too hard."

Finally, the story of Rene Bernasconi, the East Hartford man fighting eviction from a rooming house, appears to be ending on a sad note.

Landlord John Forrest, who was troubled by my column that criticized Bernasconi's possible eviction from his building, told me Bernasconi's messy habits and behavior had become a health hazard for other tenants. A few weeks ago he was removed from his apartment when the town of East Hartford agreed and found it "unfit for human occupancy."

"I feel bad for him. The guy needs help. He's blind. He's mentally ill," said Forrest, who did the right thing by calling in inspectors from the town to assess Bernasconi's filthy room. Forest said he will continue his efforts to permanently bar Bernasconi from the building.

"He's an example of where the system fails people," Forrest said. "He needs to be in a supervised situation."

Forrest said Bernasconi is living in a shelter.

Rick Green's column appears on Tuesdays and Fridays. He can be reached at rgreen@courant.com

Copyright © 2007, The Hartford Courant

Monday, March 3, 2008

Should what is taught in US schools be altered?

Does the US Constitution still apply, and if not, should it be taught in US Schools?

Police in Connecticut can defraud taxpayers, committing felony theft and don't have to pay back the money, nor are they arrested when they commit felonies.

If a citizen proposes laws to elected officials that police or members of the judicial or executive branch don't like, the citizen can be put on a State Police Secret "Enemies List" and be arrested and held as a political prisoner. Free Speech is not protected and neither is redressing grievances to elected officials. Bill # 5675 in Connecticut will allow Connecticut and eventually the whole US to be a police state, if passed, so should what is taught in US schools Kindergarten up through college be changed to address the new repressive and non-representative government that is now in place?

The rival candidate for a state's governor was put on the "Enemies List" and arrested. What does that say about whether the US Constitution still applies or not?

Chief Justice William J. Sullivan of Connecticut has proven that there is separate classes of people. Judges and others are immune from prosecution, and can legislate and do as they please from the bench. Police can covertly target citizens, manufacture evidence, commit perjury, break the law, and retaliate against citizens asking elected officials for ethics in the courts and law enforcement, and for proposing laws to elected officials that lawyers, police, prosecutors, and judges don't like. Does it sound like the US Constitution still applies if this is how the system really works?

Should there be a new curriculum for schools to address the changes in the lack of freedom now present in the US? Connecticut leads the nation in prison, police, court, and education trends, should there be honesty in education even if there isn't honesty in American courts, police, and government?

Should police be able to offer a married woman $10,000 to set up a citizen for a police beating and false arrest for having written things in newspapers that police didn't like along with proposing Civilian Oversight of Police? [more]

My pictures and story on an [international injustice website].


A US Marine stabbed 13 times is arrested when he woke up in the hospital. The felon on probation was not even violated on probation for almost killing a US Marine. [more]

Christopher Kennedy of Ellington, Connecticut, talks about stalker Judge, Jonathan Kaplan of Rockville Superior Court [here]

Donald Christmas, also a landlord, was also arrested on his property facing a year in prison no deals, where as his attacker, a police informant received no punishment. Donny also tried to, or did evict 3 prostitutes against the wishes of police. [Donny Christman, Thomsonville section of Enfield, CT, video]

[Eminent Domain, a national, disgraceful precedent out of Connecticut]

[video of properties Connecticut State Police used prostitutes, drug dealers, thieves, and vandals to terrorize me out of]

As a blogger for www. freespeech.com, on live television, I tell how that if you put "Connecticut State Police Misconduct", "Connecticut Judicial Misconduct" my posts on freespeech would come up as the most popular results in a computer word search. Just after, www.freespeech.com went offline. [that video testimony in front of the Connecticut Judiciary Committee legislators]

Elena Sassower tipped off Hillary Clinton's US Senate Office of Judicial Corruption and Hillary Clinton saw to it that Elena was falsely arrested and held as a political prisoner for 6 months. [Elena Sassower video]

Police Informants are paid to kill citizens lodging police misconduct complaints, to beat up citizens so only the citizen is arrested, and to beat up cops for other cops.
[video of state registered confidential informant under oath]

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The above was emailed to the Connecticut Education Committee legislators:
Gaffey@senatedems.ct.gov, Andrew.Fleischmann@cga.ct.gov, Fonfara@senatedems.ct.gov, henry.genga@cga.ct.gov, Thomas.Herlihy@cga.ct.gov, DebraLee.Hovey@housegop.ct.gov, Sam.Caligiuri@cga.ct.gov, Mcdonald@senatedems.ct.gov, Jason.Bartlett@cga.ct.gov, Toni.Boucher@cga.ct.gov, Ron.Burns@housegop.ct.gov, Paul.Davis@cga.ct.gov, Kim.Fawcett@cga.ct.gov, Art.Feltman@cga.ct.gov, Gail.Hamm@cga.ct.gov, Deborah.Heinrich@cga.ct.gov, Karen.Jarmoc@cga.ct.gov, Robert.Keeley@cga.ct.gov, Themis.Klarides@housegop.ct.gov, David.Labriola@housegop.ct.gov, Douglas.McCrory@cga.ct.gov, Steve.Mikutel@cga.ct.gov, Sandy.Nafis@cga.ct.gov, tim@timobrien.org, Felipe.Reinoso@cga.ct.gov, Tom.Reynolds@cga.ct.gov, Anne.Ruwet@cga.ct.gov, Pamela.Sawyer@housegop.ct.gov, Linda.Schofield@cga.ct.gov, Jim.Shapiro@cga.ct.gov, Kevin.Witkos@cga.ct.gov

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What are the goals of Gang Stalking?

The goal is to isolate the target from all forms of support, so that the target can be set up in the future for arrest, institutionalization, or forced suicide. Other goals of this harassment is to destroy the targets reputation and credibility. Make the target look crazy or unstable.

Other goals involve sensitizing the target to every day stimuli’s as a form of control, which is used to control targets when they get out of line.

These people also want to make the targets of this harassment vulnerable, they want to make them destitute. The secondary goals seem to be to make the target homeless, jobless, give them a breakdown, and the primary goals seems to be to drive the target to forced suicide, just like what they did with some of the targets of Cointelpro. It's a useful way of eliminating perceived enemies of the state.

Who gets targeted?

Targeting can happen to anyone in society. Primary targets in the past have been but are not limited to: minorities, outspoken individuals, whistle blowers, dissidents, people who go up against large wealthy corporations, woman’s groups, (single) women, anti-war proponents, and other innocent individuals. The majority of the targets are often not aware that they are being targeted in this way. When a target moves, changes jobs, the harassment still continues. Every time the target moves, the same lies and slander will be spread and the systemic harassment will continue.

[the above from here]

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[Example] of the "cop gang" that I had to deal with

[Example] of the "cop gang" that went after a Hartford Connecticut Police Officer, his two sons, out to disrupt his family, finances, and peace of mind

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This entire post was sent to all the Children Committee legislators in Connecticut. Their emails:
Meyer@senatedems.ct.gov, Faith.McMahon@cga.ct.gov, Harp@senatedems.ct.gov, Joe.Mioli@cga.ct.gov, Judith.G.Freedman@cga.ct.gov, Anne.Ruwet@cga.ct.gov, Marilyn.Giuliano@housegop.ct.gov, Mary.Mushinsky@cga.ct.gov, Jack.Thompson@cga.ct.gov, Christel.Truglia@cga.ct.gov

This blogger's email: stevengerickson@yahoo.com

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Poster Child for why Judges need to be accountable

As it is now, it is a free for all. Judges can almost do anything and not even get removed from the bench. It is almost unheard of, hearing that a judge got arrested for anything.

Richard "Rick" Guliani was the probate judge in Portland from 1991 to 2006.

Catherine Tierney, grieving the loss of both parents and her husband, filed a complaint against Guliani in 1994 after he failed to recuse himself from ruling on her mother's estate. She had asked for approval to sell her mother's house, but when she learned Guliani was also representing the buyers, she complained. Guliani agreed to let another judge step in.

Two years later, Stephen Ottone, a disgruntled client with a complaint pending before the grievance committee, alerted probate administration that he had met with Guliani several times, in court, to discuss private business. The office repeatedly asked Guliani to respond to the allegation, but he didn't, and the matter was dropped. A similar complaint would surface again, in 2003.

In a recent interview, Ottone, a contractor in Sandwich, N.H., said he had hired Guliani to work on his aunt's estate. His aunt had Parkinson's disease and was in a convalescent home.

Ottone says Guliani left important paperwork unfinished and paid himself her last $3,000. "I never got a bill for any services — he just took the money," he said.

The grievance committee found Ottone's complaint credible, but the outcome of the case has been sealed. Ottone says Guliani later repaid the money. There were other complaints. The court was often closed for days and consistently cited for a backlog of cases. As a judge and in his private practice, Guliani was slow to return calls. One of his court clerks quit after going a full month without pay. [more]

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