Monday, February 18, 2008

I'm not willing to live in a Police State


I am very concerned about Vermont's plan to introduce "chipped" driver's licenses with an RFID chip. I explain my opposition to this, and why, here:

When I lived in Connecticut and owned rental property, I was not getting protection and service from police, so I proposed Civilian Oversight of police. My picture and information was then distributed to police departments and I was to be arrested. A police informant was told to attack me on my property. Only I was arrested and was sentenced to a year in prison for pepper spraying my attacker.

Ken Krayeske, the Green Party campaign manager for Connecticut Governor candidate, Thornton, was put on the Connecticut State Police secret "Enemies List" his picture and information was sent out at roll call and he was arrested on sight, facing prison. [link]

White Plains, New York, resident Elena Sassower, tried to get you information on judicial corruption. Hillary Clinton saw to it that she was arrested and railroaded to prison:

If "chipped" driver's license are required in Vermont, I will leave to live in an American State.

If RFID becomes national law for us to have an "internal passport", I will leave the US and not look back.

-Steven G. Erickson

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Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) [website]

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Targets of Police

Are police in the US going the route of the East German Soviet-style police, the Stasi? Post with review of movie, "The Lives of Others", might show where we are headed in the US. [video, review, more]

Dennis Kucinich and Ken Krayeske

The Congressman discusses the excesses of Homeland Security with the journalist who was arrested for taking a photo of the Governor, M Jodi Rell.

On the "Secret Enemies" List video [click here]

Should Police use Homeland Security Funds to target citizens for personal reasons, if citizens try to redress grievances to elected officials, test Free Speech, want to sue police for violating civil rights, or are on the Connecticut State Police secret "Enemies List". If you make a police misconduct complaint in Connecticut or in other states you might find yourself arrested as a target of police retaliation.

Police think they have the rights to break any law they please protected by corrupt courts and the Patriot Act.

Should police be able to enlist citizens to break laws for them, do dirty work, have "buffers", and to terrorize citizens?:

Peter Coukos of Stafford Springs, Connecticut, born on or around 1955 took a sexual interest in my then 14 year old daughter and her friend.

The clip above is the audio from a threat Coukos left on my voicemail, one of about 40 I provided Stafford Resident Trooper Mulcahey of the Connecticut State Police, Troop C, along with Constable Frank Prochaska. Coukos threatened me with death, he threatened my daughter with death, and he demanded that I pay him $30,000 cash for him not to make a false complaint that I had threatened him with a gun.

I gave information to Trooper Mulcahey including the 40 or so threats on tape.

Mulcahey told me that I was kicked out of Connecticut and that if I lodged a complaint against Coukos, that I would be arrested.

Soon after the tape was made, Coukos caught me outside my dwelling going to my vehicle, he started punching me in the back, and slapping me in the back of the head, saying that he wanted to have my 14 year old daughter on her knees giving him oral sex. I never turned around fearing I would be arrested by police waiting nearby, like the last time a police informant attacked me on my property, and only I was arrested, for which I was railroaded to prison based on Trooper perjury.

Coukos then broke into my dwelling stole some of my belongings, changed the locks, and denied me access to my home. Police, again, did nothing, and Coukos admission of guilt was to settle with me when I sued him in small claims court over the breaking in and entering, malicious destruction of property, illegally locking me out of my home, terrorizing, threatening, and stalking me, and theft of my property, claims.

He kept physically assaulting me, calling me a "pussy" trying to get me to fight back.

Trooper Mulcahey and Stafford Officer Prochaska allegedly offered Coukos help in getting a pistol permit if he would assault me, terrorize me and my daughter out of Connecticut, and to continue to make my daughter's and my life a living hell.

Should police be able to kick citizens out of a state if they lodge police misconduct complaints or for writing things in newspapers that police don't like, how about proposing laws to elected officials that police don't like?

[click here] for a more detailed post on how the Connecticut State Police and Connecticut Court System made my life a living hell.

[click here] for my complaint to the FBI

[click here] for a video on how police use informants to beat citizens, set them up for false arrest, and to terrorize police targets out of town.

[click here] should police be able to offer Registered Confidential Informants $10,000 to set up citizens for false arrest and imprisonment? Pictures of Barbara Sattal, Connecticut State Police Col. Davoren, and more.

[click here] for my email to Connecticut Attorney General complaining about Attorney Michael H. Agranoff

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Homeland Security routing out 13 y/o "Lesbians" in schools?

Homeland Security routing out 13 y/o "Lesbians" in schools? Parent Stephen Murzin talks about the goings on in Seymour, Connecticut, High School. [click here] for full interview

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[click here] for Raw Story repost of:

FBI program alleged to prepare businesses for martial law
Michael Roston

Published: Friday February 8, 2008