file photo of concentration camp oven
Officials and the Government in Connecticut say, "Trust Us, We're here to Serve You"
[click here] for my email to Governor Rell regarding the Cheshire Connecticut Home Invasion
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January 20, 2008
To whom it may concern on the Connecticut Legislative Judiciary Committee:
Subject: The Cheshire home invasion and your representing all citizens
US Marine Stephen Murzin was arrested when he woke up in the hospital after having been stabbed 13 times. He had made a police misconduct complaint, so officers paid an informant, Todd Vashon, $10,000 cash to kill Murzin. Vashon contacted authorities and the cops were caught on tape but never prosecuted. Felon David J. Taylor on probation, stabbed Stephen, a Connecticut Judge found no reason to violate Taylor on probation or see to it he was to face a charge of attempted murder and 1st degree felony assault. So police, judges, prosecutors, DCF, parole, probation, prison guards, and even defense lawyers can band together to retaliate against citizens that seek to redress grievances to YOU ELECTED OFFICIALS, that lodge complaints, and those that expose official corruption.
A Connecticut State Police Officer allegedly invaded the Murzin home and illegally abducted Stephen’s 17 year old brother Ian as further retaliation, strangling Ian almost or to death where he was revived and never has been the same since.
Stafford Springs Connecticut Constable "Fat Frank" Prochaska thought he was more entitled to my wife that I met while that I met while traveling Europe than I was.[click here for this post]
Was $10,000 of taxpayer money offered to a police informant to set me up for a false arrest, police beating, where drugs would be planted on me, I would be charged with DUI and assaulting a police officer to prevent me from suing the Connecticut State Police?:
Former model, and Enfield Connecticut landlord Sue Reid was punched in the mouth and one of her teeth was knocked out by a tenant that police knew was trafficking crack cocaine and selling stolen firearms. Police charged Sue Reid with breach of peace for having had her tooth knocked out.
Enfield landlord Donald Christmas complained about unfair courts and police not protecting and serving downtown property owners. A 14 year old prostitute girlfriend of a police officer attacked Donny on his property and only Donny faced a year in prison, no deals. He had tried to evict a prostitute mother, and her 2 young teen prostitute daughters, including the underage girl that was the police officers daughter. The officer later left the scene of an accident, drunk, offduty, was later caught, and is still a police officer.
I evicted 3 prostitutes from my Stafford Springs, Connecticut rental properties. I was then arrested after resisting a mugger, using pepper spray. I faced a year and a half in prison, no deals for having used pepper spray. Connecticut State Police Officers were bragging that “Big Mouth” was going to prison before I had a trial. Officers allegedly offered crack cocaine smoker, alcoholic, frequenter of prostitutes, and admitted bi-polar on tape, help in obtaining a gun permit to terrorize my then 14 year old daughter and I out of Connecticut. I played resident Trooper Mulcahey a tape of a voice mail where Peter Coukos threatened my daughter’s life. Mulcahey said I would be arrested if I pressed charges and that I was kicked out of Connecticut and was to leave town.
Coukos caught me out in my yard, punched me in my back, slapping me in the back of the head telling me that he wanted me to have my daughter give him oral sex. He continued to beat and taunt me. I knew that if I turned around, police would again be waiting to arrest only me.
Chris Kennedy of Ellington Connecticut a prominent citizen that ran for State Representative complained about a Connecticut State Police Officer and Judge Jonathan Kaplan, contacting Rell’s legal staffer. In retaliation, Kenney was arrested and faced 30 years in prison and a $500,000 bond for having checked the wrong box, accidentally, on a court financial form.
The Petit family is well-to-do, prominent, and mostly likely have connections. The governor and you legislators seem willing to change the whole system over what happened to one family.
There are countless citizens terrorized by police, raped by police, assaulted by police, railroaded to prison by police and corrupt prosecutors, judges, and defense attorneys. Children are taken away based on false allegations to make quota so Connecticut maximizes on Federal Tax Dollars coming into Connecticut. Connecticut also rakes in Federal Tax Dollars to arrest, process, and put as many citizens in prison as possible.
The Connecticut State Police are on probation:
http://starkravingviking.blogspot.com/2007/12/connecticut-state-police-on-probation.html They are begging for Civilian Oversight to clean up the mess.
This is typical of how Official Connecticut retaliates against whistle blowers:
I ask that you legislators either admit that the US Constitution no longer applies, that we live in a Police State, and the Courts are run like little monarchal kingdoms, or propose and pass Civilian Oversight of Police, Parole, Probation, Prisons, DCF, the Courts, Lawyers, and the spending of tax dollars, legislation.
I used to own $500,000 in Connecticut real estate and a small business built up over 2 decades. Because the Connecticut State Police Commissioner, such as Arthur L. Spada can put citizens on the secret enemies list and photos of citizens with their information can be sent out to police at role call so the citizen can be targeted and even set up for prison. Should courts be fixed to protect police from being sued and prosecuted, by ruining citizens that complain and who have legitimate cause to sue?
Thousands of families, children, and taxpayers are ruined every year. Will you legislators do something, or do you only serve the rich, connected, and Blue Blood Elites, such as the Petits?
Please let me know that you have received this email.
Steven G. Erickson
c/o Francis Knize
50 Sunset Pass Rd
Wilton, CT 06897
P.S. I am posting this email to you, here:
The above sent to:
Mcdonald@senatedems.ct.gov, mlawlor99@juno.com, Handley@senatedems.ct.gov, Gerald.Fox@cga.ct.gov, John.A.Kissel@cga.ct.gov, Arthur.ONeill@housegop.ct.gov, Al.Adinolfi@housegop.ct.gov, Bill.Aman@cga.ct.gov, Ryan.Barry@cga.ct.gov, Jeffrey.Berger@cga.ct.gov, Beth.Bye@cga.ct.gov, David.Cappiello@cga.ct.gov, Eric.Coleman@cga.ct.gov, Patricia.Dillon@cga.ct.gov, Mary.Fritz@cga.ct.gov, John.Geragosian@cga.ct.gov, Janice.Giegler@housegop.ct.gov, Bob.Godfrey@cga.ct.gov, Gomes@senatedems.ct.gov, Minnie.Gonzalez@cga.ct.gov, Kenneth.Green@cga.ct.gov, Gail.Hamm@cga.ct.gov, William.Hamzy@housegop.ct.gov, DebraLee.Hovey@housegop.ct.gov, Bryan.Hurlburt@cga.ct.gov, Themis.Klarides@housegop.ct.gov, David.Labriola@housegop.ct.gov, David.McCluskey@cga.ct.gov, Faith.McMahon@cga.ct.gov, Meyer@senatedems.ct.gov, Bruce.Morris@cga.ct.gov, Tim.Obrien@cga.ct.gov, Melissa.Olson@cga.ct.gov, Claudia.Powers@housegop.ct.gov, Andrew.Roraback@cga.ct.gov, TR.Rowe@housegop.ct.gov, Joseph.Serra@cga.ct.gov, James.Spallone@cga.ct.gov, cam9123@hotmail.com, Christopher.Stone@cga.ct.gov, William.Tong@cga.ct.gov, Toni.Walker@cga.ct.gov, Elissa.Wright@cga.ct.gov
Connecticut Public Safety Committee:Stillman@senatedems.ct.gov, Stephen.Dargan@cga.ct.gov, Tom.Reynolds@cga.ct.gov, Daily@senatedems.ct.gov, Anthony.Guglielmo@cga.ct.gov, Raymond.Kalinowski@housegop.ct.gov, Penny.Bacchiochi@housegop.ct.gov, Betty.Boukus@cga.ct.gov, Charles.Clemons@cga.ct.gov, Chris.Caruso@cga.ct.gov, Kevin.DelGobbo@housegop.ct.gov, Lou.Esposito@cga.ct.gov, Ruth.Fahrbach@housegop.ct.gov, Ernest.Hewett@cga.ct.gov, Karen.Jarmoc@cga.ct.gov, Shawn.Johnston@cga.ct.gov, Joan.Lewis@cga.ct.gov, Steve.Mikutel@cga.ct.gov, Jim.Shapiro@cga.ct.gov, Kevin.Witkos@housegop.ct.gov
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Richard "Ritt" Goldstein proposed Civilian Oversight of Police in Hartford Connecticut at a special Judiciary Committee meeting. Ritt was so terrorized by Connecticut police he fled the US to seek political asylum in Sweden. Ritt testified with international experts producing this video:* * * *
Did I help get a Homeland Security 6'5" Goon fired for harassing high school students at Seymour Connecticut High School with these videos?: [click here]
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[click here] for:
Sex and Violence Junkies

Should Police Officers be giving into urges wanting their “pee-pee” taken care of, even when they are on duty, paid with taxpayer dollars?
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[click here] for:
Suing the Connecticut State Police over violations of Citizens' Gun Rights
My opinion on the Hartford Court posted below, posted in the opinion section for the article (The Courant deleted the below comment):It is about time someone took on the Connecticut State Police for their violations of the Constitutional rights of citizens.
The police aren't more responsible with firearms, probably less than citizens with permits as police aren't out to make sure other police officers lose their gun rights.
Police officers don't show up on the scene as better parents either, that is another discussion.
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