Sunday, September 9, 2007

Connecticut's Organized Crime and Racism History

One of the original enforcers of Connecticut's "Whites Only" unofficial policies:

Mr. Clean's Swan Song

An Isolated Incident? HELL NO !!! Posted by Picasa

After decades in public life, former top Connecticut cop Bernie Sullivan thought he was slipping out of the spotlight by taking a private job--with the Tomassos.

Then came Rowland-gate.
by Paul Bass - January 15, 2004

Connecticut knew Bernie Sullivan as Mr. Clean--the man brought in to lead state police in the wake of a spying scandal in 1989.

He lived in the spotlight. He ran Hartford's police force, then the state's police force--and, later on, the Speaker's office at the state House of Representatives.

Now, three years after he thought he'd slipped away from the spotlight into private life, Sullivan has returned to the public eye--at the center of Connecticut's current corruption scandals.
He's the public face of the Tomasso family's construction empire, the focus of a federal investigation into state government bribery and bid-rigging. It has been Sullivan's job to swing back at critics, answer some allegations, not answer others. He's also running two of Tomasso's companies and wrestling with the state over questionable government payments.

And he's been dragged into the state treasurer's bribery scandal because of his previous job, running then-state House Speaker Tom Ritter's office.

Sullivan wrote that he was "get[ting] out of the fish bowl of public life" three years ago when he left government for the Tomasso job.

"God made me bite my tongue on that one," he said in a conversation last week.

His journey from lawman to Democratic chief of staff to point man for a company intimately connected to a Republican governor illustrates the power structure at the root of Rowland/Silvester-gate.

It's not about Republicans versus Democrats.

It's not about business versus government.

It's about one insider team. With one concern above all: Who gets paid.

* * * *

[click here] for Faces from a Police State, Connecticut. Police Misconduct is a Connecticut art form.

[click here] Is there still "Gay Bashing" going on in the ranks of the Connecticut State Police?

[click here] for my May 22, 2006, interview of Stephen Murzin. Click on link and open or save in Windows Media Player to list to it. Audio brings up the police using teens, called, "informants" to become recruits for "cop gangs". These street gangs do the cops dirty work and end up in prisons when police no longer have use for them. Can you say, "Obstruction of Justice, contributing to the delinquency of minors, Connecticut police misconduct, racketeering, and corruption of the courts"?

Should kids be encouraged by police to kill others with shotguns and beat up others?

Should a felon on probation, an alleged police informant, get no prison time for stabbing and almost killing 3 people because he was acting under police orders? [click for more]

Former Connecticut Governor John G. Rowland, the infamous Mustang, and ripping off America's Homeland Security Fund [more]

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