Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Connecticut Secret Police Surveillance

[click here] for my pictures and stories of Connecticut State Police Misconduct

[click here] Is there an eminent US Economic Depression?

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Big Brother Comes to Stamford, Connecticut

Seven years after passing one of the most pro-privacy ordinances in the USA, the Public Safety and Health Committee spearheaded by Chair ... all » Richard Lyons, wants to overturn the hard fought protection by locating secret police surveillance cameras near schools, housing authorities and in minority neighborhoods. December 19, 2006, Public Safety and Health Committee public hearing, Stamford, CT Board of Representatives (aka City Council). 1. PS27.012 PROPOSED ORDINANCE; for public hearing & final adoption; amending Chapter 7 (CCTV Cameras) of the Code of Ordinances to authorize expanded use of CCTV Cameras. Full text found at http://www.boardofreps.org/Committees/publicsafety/2006/items/ps27012.doc Members of Public Safety & Health Committee (11 members)

Richard Lyons II, Chair Terry Adams Maria Aposporos Philip Berns Joseph Coppola, Jr. Gloria G. DePina Mark Larobina Cynthia Martin Scott Mirkin Jerry Pia John R. Zelinsky, Jr

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Police trolling blogs to put citizens on their "Secret Enemies List" for false arrest, so they may be held in Connecticut jails as political prisoners.

The lies from the police regarding Ken Krayeske arrest

Here's video footage of Commissioner of the Departmkent of Public Safety, Leonard Boyle, and Hartford Police Chief Daryl Roberts lying about the events surrounding the arrest of freelance journalist/blogger Ken Krayeske

[click here] for more pictures and information on Kenneth Krayeske

Ken Krayeske rally news coverage

Alex Jones 7-30-07 1of13

Alex welcomes to the program plainfield connecticut Tax Protestor Elaine Brown, wife of Ed Brown, to discuss the current situation in plainfield and to comment on recent attempts by government Agents to provoke the browns.

Related Information :
Shots Fired At Browns Probable Attempt at Provocation http://www.infowars.com/articles/ps/p...

Alex also welcomes friend of the Browns and resident of the Brown's Plainfield home, Danny Riley, to discuss his previous encounters with government agents and the sinister behavior which he has witnessed from the police who are surrounding and monitoring the Brown's home.

Related information:
Shots Fired At Browns Probable Attempt at Provocation http://www.infowars.com/articles/ps/p...

[FLASHBACK] Exclusive: Federal Assault On Brown Home Was Aborted http://infowars.com/articles/ps/plain...


For easier navigation through past shows:

If you're listening to this you're at least 1 day behind! Keep up to date by listening to the latest show streaming 24/7 @ infowars.com or by subscribing to the free podcast.

[click here] for more Alex Jones episodes

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[click here] for website dedicated to providing information on the Brown fight against the IRS

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Connecticut's Organized Crime and Racism History

One of the original enforcers of Connecticut's "Whites Only" unofficial policies:

Mr. Clean's Swan Song

An Isolated Incident? HELL NO !!! Posted by Picasa

After decades in public life, former top Connecticut cop Bernie Sullivan thought he was slipping out of the spotlight by taking a private job--with the Tomassos.

Then came Rowland-gate.
by Paul Bass - January 15, 2004

Connecticut knew Bernie Sullivan as Mr. Clean--the man brought in to lead state police in the wake of a spying scandal in 1989.

He lived in the spotlight. He ran Hartford's police force, then the state's police force--and, later on, the Speaker's office at the state House of Representatives.

Now, three years after he thought he'd slipped away from the spotlight into private life, Sullivan has returned to the public eye--at the center of Connecticut's current corruption scandals.
He's the public face of the Tomasso family's construction empire, the focus of a federal investigation into state government bribery and bid-rigging. It has been Sullivan's job to swing back at critics, answer some allegations, not answer others. He's also running two of Tomasso's companies and wrestling with the state over questionable government payments.

And he's been dragged into the state treasurer's bribery scandal because of his previous job, running then-state House Speaker Tom Ritter's office.

Sullivan wrote that he was "get[ting] out of the fish bowl of public life" three years ago when he left government for the Tomasso job.

"God made me bite my tongue on that one," he said in a conversation last week.

His journey from lawman to Democratic chief of staff to point man for a company intimately connected to a Republican governor illustrates the power structure at the root of Rowland/Silvester-gate.

It's not about Republicans versus Democrats.

It's not about business versus government.

It's about one insider team. With one concern above all: Who gets paid.

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[click here] for Faces from a Police State, Connecticut. Police Misconduct is a Connecticut art form.

[click here] Is there still "Gay Bashing" going on in the ranks of the Connecticut State Police?

[click here] for my May 22, 2006, interview of Stephen Murzin. Click on link and open or save in Windows Media Player to list to it. Audio brings up the police using teens, called, "informants" to become recruits for "cop gangs". These street gangs do the cops dirty work and end up in prisons when police no longer have use for them. Can you say, "Obstruction of Justice, contributing to the delinquency of minors, Connecticut police misconduct, racketeering, and corruption of the courts"?

Should kids be encouraged by police to kill others with shotguns and beat up others?

Should a felon on probation, an alleged police informant, get no prison time for stabbing and almost killing 3 people because he was acting under police orders? [click for more]

Former Connecticut Governor John G. Rowland, the infamous Mustang, and ripping off America's Homeland Security Fund [more]

My email: stevengerickson@yahoo.com
This blog accepts anonymous comments. To share, click on white envelope below.

Racist Connecticut State Police?

Racist E-mail At CT State Police

Posted by Mark Davis on Jul 19th, 2007 at 10:36:43 pm
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By now you have heard about the racist images apparently sent around to and by some members of the Connecticut State Police. The Public Safety Commissioner has ordered an Internal Affairs investigation. That division recently had to be completely revamped because of a scandal revealed in a report prepared by the New York State Police.

The e-mails surfaced this week and seemed to re-inforce the allegations of racism by Connecticut State Police Sgt. Andrew Crumbie of West Hartford. Crumbie says he doesn't believe all those on the e-mail list of this stuff is a racist...but that it shows the casual attitude about this type of crude, insensitive behavior.

The Connecticut Confrence of Chapters of N.A.A.C.P. now have called for a U. S. Justice Department investigation into allegations of racism in the State Police. Crumbie is just one of about six African-American members of the department who have made some sort of complaint about racism.

At the State Police Trooper graduation ceremony at the University of Connecticut today, it was hard not to notice that of the 60 new troopers..just one appeared to be a person of color...a couple were Hispanic and a couple were Asian.

The official spokesman for the Connecticut State Police continues to stress that the controversial e-mails were posted from personal computers and not on state time. An attorney for the the N.A.A.C.P. says there is reason to believe that is not the case and has asked for records of all e-mails of all State Police personel involved.

Does it really matter? Or do you believe that personal e-mail should be off limits....even if it is hateful, hurtful, and may show a bias to a segement of the population?


Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Organized Crime Scam of the Courts?

Dr. Shirley Moore (CA): Court Corruption, Part 1

Dr. Moore, American Family Rights Association(AFRA), at Lincoln Memorial for Family Preservation Rally 2007, 8/18/07

Are judges and others profiting from filing as many parents and children through programs? Are there illegal profits in abusing you and your family?

Friday, September 7, 2007

Pulled Over, Profiled by Police

Connecticut, A Police State

I was recently driving one morning in a state other than Connecticut, mid morning, on a sunny day. Just going to work, or look at work, can be a life altering experience if you aren’t White and/or driving the latest high end vehicle.

My vehicle is legal, registered, insured, and in proper working order. It is just a little raggy and worn.

My car broke down so I am using my van that I had as a landlord. The rebuilt engine and transmission have about 8000 miles on them, and most of the van has been replaced except the shell, frame, and interior.

A State Trooper passed by me going the other direction, and without using his lights, wheeled around and drove at a high rate of speed, ignoring speed limits as I was obeying them. From seeing him look at me, I knew he had little to do, and wanted to make quota by doing anything he could to me. I could have been anyone, he was just looking to target anyone not rich enough to be in that area for fines and possible arrest.

The officer pulled me over and initially refused to tell me what I was being pulled over for, he wanted to search my vehicle and person for weapons, asked me if the contents of my vehicle were my own, and gave me a laundry list of what I could be charged with and fined for. I found it strange and abusive that I would be asked if the contents of my vehicle was my own and if I had weapons in the vehicle, out of the blue.

If I was driving a newer vehicle and didn’t appear to be blue collar, dressed in painter’s whites, I would not have been pulled over. Maybe if I was a minority driving any kind of vehicle, I would have been pulled over in that area.

I can see how someone barely making ends meet could be taken off the road for being unable to pay fines, losing their driver’s license, and possibly being jailed over absolute BS.

I was being profiled. I was alone in almost zero traffic out in a rural and well to do area, driving a vehicle well to do residents would not be driving in that area.

There was no reason to pull me over than my economic status didn’t appear to match the area I was driving.

I had a folding tool used for cutting plastic for painting and for cutting vinyl siding on my belt. It holds standard triangle type blades that go in utility knives. I was told that was a weapon in my vehicle.

I feared being arrested and again having my whole life turned upside down over police BS.

The officer asked me every detail of where I had been the last month, when I was last pulled over, asked to see receipts and proof, I had them and showed the officer my mail, receipts, etc.

I’m White, what if I was driving an old vehicle, and was a minority in an almost exclusively White and well to do area?

The officer told me I was doing 47 in a 30. Crap! I may have been doing 47 in the 45 zone immediately slowing to 30 knowing the State Trooper was behind me looking for any excuse or lack thereof to pull me over.

The Trooper let me off with a written warning, after telling me I could have faced hundreds of dollars in fines, eluding that I could have been arrested and my vehicle towed.

If you aren’t rich, you can be just a thread away from losing your right to drive, your vehicle, your home, your family over bullshit in a police state.

I fear if I had been pulled over in Connecticut, life as I now know it, would again be permanently devastated.

I was late to my appointment and it caused problems for me.

-Steven G. Erickson




[click here] this is how police and the courts really work.

A Connecticut Judge gave a felon on probation no violation of probation for stabbing 3 people, almost killing them, because one, a US Marine had made a police misconduct complaint against a Connecticut officer. The US Marine was arrested in the hospital when he woke up alive with 13 stab wounds for creating a disturbance having been stabbed. [click here for proof and video]

I didn't want heroin and crack cocaine being sold off and near my rental properties. Stafford Connecticut Police and Troop C, Connecticut State Police told me I didn't get police protection and service because I was a landlord and was stupid for buying and fixing up property in a crime area. I went to legislators and mouthed off in newspapers to try and get police to protect and serve as advertised. Police then targeted me to make me lose these properties [video]

This is how police really operate and go after those on their secret police "Enemies List" [click here]

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Do you want to score illegal drugs?

Should Connecticut cops be the drug dealers? [more]

Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell shaking hands with Steven G. Erickson [post] 12:15 PM EST July 1, 2005 Posted by Picasa

The crux to my angst [click here]

Did Connecticut State Police Colonel Thomas Davoren offer a woman $10,000 to set me up for Troopers to beat me up and then falsely arrest me? [click here for more]

Did Police pay a police informant $10,000 cash to kill another citizen that lodged a police misconduct complaint? [more]

My YouTube.com video list [click here]

[click here] for Connecticut's BJ and Drunk Driving Memorial Bridge story

[click here] for my letter to Connecticut State Police Commissioner John A. Danaher III about Connecticut State Police Trooper perjury and Connecticut State Police misconduct. Will he cover it up and retaliate against complainers like all the rest? Are there still a Connecticut State Police dragnet for those on their secret "Enemies List"? [more]

I tell former Governor John G. Rowland to go F himself in a letter meant to arrive first on his bunk at Federal Prison. [more]. My letter to Bush [more]

I ask former Connecticut State Police Commissioner Arthur L. Spada if he ran a whorehouse or was a customer at one [click here]

Click Here for my open letter to Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell

Click Here for the text of my letter to the Washington DC FBI

Click Here for "Too FN Lazy to protect and serve"
post includes a YouTube video of me, Steven G. Erickson, testifying in front of the Judicial Reform Committee

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The American Follies

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POLITICS (Connecticut)

Key Committee To Hold Hearing

Testimony About Conduct Of State Police Will Be Heard By State Lawmakers

January 13, 2007

By CHRISTOPHER KEATING, Hartford Courant, Capitol Bureau Chief, The Hartford Courant

A key legislative committee will hold a hearing on two of the most embarrassing issues facing the state police: a scathing internal affairs report on trooper misconduct and the controversial arrest of a political activist during the governor's inaugural parade.

State Police Commissioner Leonard Boyle will testify on both issues Jan. 23 before the General Assembly's Public Safety Committee. The hearing is open to the public, but testimony will be limited to those asked to appear.

Attorney General Richard Blumenthal will discuss a 207-page report his office co-authored on the internal affairs unit, which detailed allegations of trooper drug use, sexual abuse, excessive force, family violence and association with prostitutes.

Four law-enforcement officials will talk about the arrest of Kenneth Krayeske, a political activist who was handcuffed during the Jan. 3 inaugural parade and charged with breach of peace and interfering with police.

Before the parade, Krayeske had been identified by state police as a possible threat to Gov. M. Jodi Rell. He had confronted her during last fall's election campaign at a Glastonbury parade and written critically about her recently on his website.

But Krayeske's supporters say he was simply taking photographs of Rell during the Hartford parade and did nothing that could be deemed a threat. His attorney, Norman Pattis, said Krayeske took at least 50 photographs during the public parade, including 16 of Rell as she walked along the route near Bushnell Park.

Pattis said he hoped to attend the hearing - which he described as a "show trial" - but is scheduled to be in court that day on another matter. A veteran trial attorney who is known as one of the state's best defense attorneys, Pattis remained confident about Krayeske's prospects.

"If this case goes to trial and I lose it, I will shave my head on the steps of the state Supreme Court," said Pattis, who for years has worn a long ponytail.

Krayeske has limited his comments on the advice of his attorney, and Pattis said that Krayeske "will not speak anywhere until he speaks to a jury."

One police official described the Krayeske arrest as "a train wreck."

As lawmakers have publicly criticized the arrest, some lawmakers have been jockeying behind the scenes over which committee would hold hearings.

Some pushed for the judiciary or the government administration and elections committee to conduct the inquiry because they are deemed among the most aggressive in the legislature. The public safety committee finally was chosen because it retains jurisdiction over law-enforcement issues.

The hearing will be conducted by state Sen. Andrea Stillman, D-Waterford, and state Rep. Stephen Dargan, D-West Haven, the committee's co-chairs.

"If something happened to the governor, there would have been criticism that law enforcement didn't do enough to protect the governor," Dargan said Friday night. "It's like a Monday morning quarterback. We want to make sure that law enforcement is not handcuffed in the job they're supposed to do."

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The Long Arm Of The List

Targeting People Who May Be Politically Disruptive Strikes At Heart Of Political Freedom

January 14, 2007

"License and registration, please?" The officer stands beside your car. Behind you, his cruiser lights are flashing. Other motorists slow down to gawk. Your heart pounds.

"What have I done?" you ask. The officer explains that you ran a stop sign several blocks back. You never saw the sign, but no matter. It will be a small fine and off you will go. Everyone makes simple mistakes from time to time.

The officer takes your license and registration to his car. He enters your name into a database linked to his car by computer. A message flashes across his screen:




Your plans for the evening have changed. You are now on a federal radar, listed and tagged as a potential threat. Your name is part of the FBI's Violent Gang and Terrorist Organization File (VGTOF). Will you go home, or to a jail cell?

How did your name get on the list? You don't know. You may never know. Perhaps you were seen at an antiwar rally. Or perhaps you contributed money to a candidate or cause that some anonymous soul views as suspect. Like it or not, however, every law enforcement officer in the country now need only log onto his computer to learn that you are a suspect.

We saw how innocent acts become crimes at the inaugural parade for Gov. M. Jodi Rell this month. Ken Krayeske, a free-lance journalist, law student and former campaign director for Green Party gubernatorial candidate Cliff Thornton, was arrested there and charged with breach of peace and interfering with a police officer. Why? He was taking pictures of the parade.

Of course, that is no crime. But before the parade began, Hartford police officers were told by the Connecticut Intelligence Center and the Connecticut State Police Central Intelligence Unit that a number of political activists posed a threat to the governor.

These intelligence groups are part of the new state-federal security network that is sharing information about all manner of things that can go bump in the night. The state police had photographs of the activists listed as threats. Krayeske's picture was among them.

Ken Krayeske was not arrested for taking pictures. He was arrested because he was on a list of potential threats. His innocent conduct took on a sinister cast when viewed through the secret lens of suspicion.

The state police deny maintaining any such lists. I suspect the denials are a mere linguistic trick. The state may not maintain a list. The lists of who is naughty and who is nice are most likely in federal hands. State lawmakers can hold all the hearings they want in Hartford to find out about these lists and they will learn almost nothing. State law enforcement officials are merely participating in federally managed and funded programs designed, we are told, to protect the security of this, our blessed homeland.

When state lawmakers try to subpoena federal officials, those subpoenas will be quashed in the name of national security or some other legal devicethat makes the federal government a distant, and sacrosanct, overlord.

VGTOF, for example, was created in 1995 in response to the Oklahoma City bombing. It is managed by the FBI. The list initially was focused on individuals believed to be members of groups posing a threat to the United States. But in recent years, the list has expanded. Not long ago, mere protesters against the war in Iraq were placed on the list. A federal audit of VGTOF in 2005 found an error rate of 40 percent based on a small sample of records. Are you on the VGTOF list?

These lists are dangerous and easily misused. Was Ken Krayeske arrested because he had threatened to attend the gubernatorial ball and protest? Or because he once questioned why Gov. Rell refused to demand that gubernatorial debates be open to all candidates?

I did not pledge allegiance to a national-security state. We proclaim in the federal Constitution's preamble that "we the people" created government for limited ends, to assure our life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

"Live free or die," read license plates in New Hampshire. These are words to live by. When did we yield the freedom to be let alone to bureaucrats who decide without meaningful review who is and is not a threat? More important, who regulates the men and women sitting up nights deciding who among us to include on lists that can transform innocent conduct into crimes?

Norman A. Pattis is a criminal defense and civil rights lawyer in Bethany. He represents Ken Krayeske in criminal charges arising from the arrest at the inaugural parade.

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This blogger's email: stevengerickson@yahoo.com, this blog accepts anonymous comments. To share this post with a friend, click on white envelope below.