Monday, April 23, 2007

Just Emailed:

Subject : Children Committee Legislation


Dear Legislators,
Children and Families are being damaged by Official Connecticut, DCF, DMR, the courts, and at the hands of police.

The deficit is being made up in misery of Connecticut citizens to defraud all taxpayers. Taking away children, processing citizens, and confining citizens brings in federal dollars. There are too many "cushy" appointments handed out with high salaries. There is no ethics and oversight in Connecticut and these appointments to political friends of the governor are not being ethically handled.

I suggest that legislation be proposed that for any action in Family or Criminal Courts in Connecticut that there should be 3 impact statements. The individual or lawyer defending the client(s) should prepare one set and the prosecution the other.

How does taking away children, instituting action, or confining the individual affect society?

How does taking away children, instituting action, or confining the individual affect the family in question?

How does taking away children, instituting action, or confining the individual affect the individual(s)?

Judge Jonathan Kaplan brought up Chris Kennedy's race and heritage in taking away Chris' kids!

If you lodge a complaint against a defense attorney, police officer, prosecutor, or judge in Connecticut you can be falsely arrested and face prison. Prison is a hell that too many get and are wrecked for life. Children of Judicial Abuse are victims for life.

The Public Safety Committee and the Judiciary Committee are not coming up to the plate on these issues as there is questionable ethics and influence peddling. The Connecticut State Police get straight F's in the New York State Police official 168 page report on the Connecticut State Police. The Chief Justice Sullivan fiasco tells us that there are fixed, biases, and Unconstitutional court practices in Connecticut from the top down. DCF mismanagement is a national disgrace for Connecticut.

Connecticut is losing population, yet DCF, police, and Connecticut court budgets and hiring keep increasing. Connecticut might be the most dangerous state in the union for families, children, and those wanting to work, retire, and/or own a home in.

I had prostitutes Lana Thompson, Robin Pelc, and Vicky Tomaro living in my Stafford Springs, Connecticut rental properties. Lana and Vicky simply just someone how got in my apartments changed the locks and started living off of me at my expense. Police refused to help threatening me with arrest if I interfered with the teens drinking all hours off my front lawn, those selling heroin and crack cocaine, and with the prostitutes as this was interfering with police and I could be arrested. So I went directly to prosecutor Keith Courier, and after Lana Thompson went to see him in high heals and a very revealing dress, Courier told me I would be prosecuted if I brought legal action against her. I eventually evicted the hookers that were costing me $2000/month.

I got mouthy in newspapers and proposed legislation to fix the problems. I was then falsely arrested and put in prison. I owned $500,000 in real estate and had a business built up over 2 decades, all gone, including my close relationship with my National Honor Society daughters.

I went through unspeakable horrors in prison. I lost everything, and I can't get a job with a criminal record.

My crime?

Police offer money and other incentives to criminals and police informants to terrorize me as Connecticut State Police Officers told me before I was attacked on my property that I was kicked out of Connecticut and if I didn't leave the state I would be sorry.

Should my case and others be investigated by the Connecticut Children Committee for remedy and/or compensation?

DCF, the courts, and police aren't acting as advertised and maybe the Children Committee can level the playing field and actually bring justice and ethics into Connecticut.

Please advise,

-Steven G. Erickson

* * * *

My email is

Did police offer an informant $10,000 to set me up to be beaten by the Connecticut State Police, arrest, and false imprisonment to shut me up? [more with pics]

Did police pay an informant $10,000 to kill a citizen who lodged a police misconduct complaint? [more]

From my past:
[blast 1], [blast 2], [blast 3]

Subject : Connecticut State Police Reaccreditation [click for more]

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