Wednesday, February 7, 2007

From MassNews.Com:

Father Sues Court Officials in Federal Court for Kidnapping Son

Zed McLarnon Still Trying To Find Justice in Mass.

Full Text of Zed McLarnon 'Complaint' in Federal Court

By Ed Oliver
June 17, 2002

Edward S. (Zed) McLarnon has filed a lawsuit in Federal District Court in Boston against several judges, court clerks and other court officials, claiming they have violated his due process rights as guaranteed under the U. S. Constitution.

MassNews covered McLarnon's case in the December 2000 issue, and followed up occasionally as he has failed to get relief in the Massachusetts Courts.

After McLarnon's lawsuit was filed last Friday, his attorney, Gregory Hession, Belchertown, told MassNews:

"The underlying case is about a restraining order obtained by his wife on provable false allegations, as so many are in the Middlesex Probate and Family Court, where court personnel have severely edited many official audio tapes of court proceedings to remove damaging evidence.


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"They have falsified the official court record of documents filed, removed and added key reports and documents from the case file and refused to even provide a hearing on the merits of the case for over seven years.

"There is no reasonable right of appeal because the record is tainted. Any appeal would be on the false record. When these officials and judges were presented with irrefutable scientific evidence that the tapes were edited and the files were vacuumed, they did nothing. We have gone to the Register of Probate, the Chief Justice of the Probate Court, even the Supreme Judicial Court.

"Not one of these courts or administrators has denied or refuted a single fact in our complaint. They have simply refused to act, passed it on to someone else or just avoided it altogether.

"The United States Constitution guarantees that each state will provide its inhabitants with due process of law, meaning an honest court system, a fair and accurate record and an opportunity to be heard. The Massachusetts Courts have miserably failed to give Mr. McLarnon his rights, and politically connected insiders have deliberately conspired to kidnap his son using this crooked and corrupt system. They must be held accountable for the harm they have done to this family."

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