Saturday, January 31, 2009

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Art of Body Tattoo - popular Tattoo of th world

A tattoo is a permanent marking made by inserting ink into the layers of skin to change the pigment for decorative or other reasons. Tattoos on humans are a type of decorative body modification, while tattoos on animals are most commonly used for identification or branding.

Tattooing has been practiced worldwide. The Ainu, the indigenous people of Japan, traditionally wore facial tattoos. Today one can find Berbers of Tamazgha (North Africa) and Maori of New Zealand with facial tattoos. Tattooing was widespread among Polynesian peoples and among certain tribal groups in the Philippines, Borneo, Mentawai Islands, Africa, North America, South America, Mesoamerica, Europe, Japan, Cambodia, New Zealand and Micronesia. Despite some taboos surrounding tattooing, the art continues to be popular in many parts of the world.

Tattooing has been a Eurasian practice at least since Neolithic times. Ötzi the Iceman, dating from the fourth to fifth millennium BCE, was found in the Ötz valley in the Alps and had approximately 57 carbon tattoos consisting of simple dots and lines on his lower spine, behind his left knee, and on his right ankle. Other mummies bearing tattoos and dating from the end of the second millennium BC have been discovered, such as the Mummy of Amunet from Ancient Egypt and the mummies at Pazyryk on the Ukok Plateau.

Pre-Christian Germanic, Celtic and other central and northern European tribes were often heavily tattooed, according to surviving accounts. The Picts were famously tattooed (or scarified) with elaborate dark blue woad (or possibly copper for the blue tone) designs. Julius Caesar described these tattoos in Book V of his Gallic Wars (54 BCE).

Tattooing in Japan is thought to go back to the Paleolithic era, some ten thousand years ago.[citation needed] Various other cultures have had their own tattoo traditions, ranging from rubbing cuts and other wounds with ashes, to hand-pricking the skin to insert dyes.[citation needed

Tattooing in the Western world today has its origins in Polynesia, and in the discovery of tatau by eighteenth century explorers. The Polynesian practice became popular among European sailors, before spreading to Western societies generally

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

State Police "Mob Hits", "Pay to Play" for Gambling Racketeers, etc?

What do all the re-posted videos and posts have to do within each other? Well, it looks like pattern and practice of public corruption, police, attorney, prosecutorial, official, legislator, and judicial misconduct in the state of Connecticut. Gambling racketeering thugs, the Mafia, State Police, Judges, Big Wig Attorneys, and their elected official friends all seem to have a "thing of ours".


The Connecticut State Police Omerta Crumbling?

Arthur L. Spada, former Connecticut State Police Commissioner

Witness Reveals `Secret' Meeting Says Session Involved Public Safety Chief, Father Of Slain Man

June 9, 2006 By TRACY GORDON FOX And ALAINE GRIFFIN, Courant Staff Writers

MERIDEN -- A former state police commissioner went behind the backs of detectives feverishly tracking leads in the 2003 mob-style killing of a Middletown businessman, holding a "secret meeting" with the victim's father and attorney, according to testimony in the larceny trial of former state police Maj. Greg Senick.

Timothy Barry, a former commander and colonel of the state police, made the accusations against his former boss, Public Safety Commissioner Arthur Spada, during testimony Wednesday in Senick's trial in Superior Court in Meriden. The trial has become a fish bowl of the dysfunctional state police hierarchy during Spada's tenure, which ended in 2004.

Through his pointed cross-examinations, Senick's attorney, James Wade, has tried to show that Senick's arrest was fueled by politics from outside and within the department. Under Wade's questioning, Barry, a prosecution witness, disclosed the meeting Spada and Senick held in 2003 concerning one of Middletown's most notorious unsolved homicides, the slaying of Joseph Mazzotta.

It was "a secret meeting that was completely undisclosed and undocumented and after that, Mr. Wade, I told your client if he ever did anything like that again I would run him right out of the state police," Barry said.

"And I told him, don't ever do that again. If that ever occurs where the commissioner is going to do something unethical as that, you have to tell me about that," said Barry, who now works in fraud management for a Hartford insurance company.

Senick, who is accused of charging thousands of dollars in bills to the state while living in state-owned property, had been Spada's chief of staff.

Reached at home Thursday, Spada, a former Superior Court judge, acknowledged meeting with Salvatore Mazzotta, the father of Joseph Mazzotta, who had been shot in the face and neck at point-blank range in Middletown. But he vehemently denied there was anything secretive or unethical about it and said that Barry was bitter and out to get him because he drummed Barry out of the department, after he learned Barry was trying to get his job.

"It's an outrage. It's the mad ranting of a disturbed and paranoid mind," Spada said of Barry, whom he had appointed colonel.

"It was the worst appointment I ever made, and I regret it."

Spada said he frequently met with citizens who wrote to him about cases or problems.

"Mr. Mazzotta is a citizen. He lost a son in a very gruesome killing," he said.

"I conducted hundreds of these sessions when I had a complaint."

Spada said the meeting was held in the library of his office and that state police attorney Dawn Hellier was there.

"It was on the calendar," he said.

Spada said Mazzotta had asked the state police to take over the investigation of his son's death from Middletown police. He said the major crime unit had already completed its investigation and had turned over any evidence to Middletown detectives.

But according to Barry and other sources, the state police Statewide Narcotics Task Force and Organized Crime Task Force were still involved when that meeting took place.

Friends found Mazzotta's body in the offices of the family's equipment-rental business on Boston Road in Middletown on April 14, 2003. Police never determined a motive for the killing.

Mazzotta, 40, was a member of one of Middletown's wealthiest families, prominent in local construction and real estate.

Investigators have examined the family's investments in the Schaghticoke Indian tribe in Kent and Joseph Mazzotta's involvement in Cocktails on the Green, the Cromwell bar in which Mazzotta had a silent interest. The bar was in financial trouble, and police sources said low-level transactions of narcotics and stolen goods took place there. Before his son was killed, Salvatore Mazzotta had hired bodyguards to keep order at the bar. He also paid tens of thousands of dollars to settle the bar's debts so it could be sold.

About a month before the slaying, a severed pig's head was left at the bar's front stoop.

In December 2003, Middletown investigators went to Springfield, Mass., looking for possible connections between Mazzotta's slaying and the Nov. 23, 2003, killing of Adolfo "Big Al" Bruno, a reputed mobster for the New York-based Genovese crime family.

Bruno attended Mazzotta's wake and funeral and is known to have associated with Salvatore Mazzotta, sources close to the investigation have said. Last December, Frankie Roche, a Massachusetts man with reputed mob ties, was charged with murder in Bruno's death.

Salvatore Mazzotta had been meeting regularly with Middletown police for updates, police sources said, but the meetings are now less frequent. Sources have said Mazzotta's involvement has been awkward at times, partially because in 1990, Salvatore Mazzotta was charged and later acquitted in a cocaine-trafficking case.

On Thursday, Mazzotta recalled meeting with state police after his son was killed, but he could not remember meeting with Spada. He said a stroke he had four months ago has affected his memory.

Mazzotta said his greatest frustration has been police officers' insistence that he knows more about this than he is saying.

"Instead of looking for who killed my son, they were looking at me," Mazzotta said about Middletown detectives.

"They go to Springfield, they follow me. I'd be a damn fool if I know who did it and don't tell."

Mazzotta, who had asked for state police help days after the slaying, said he lacked confidence Middletown police could find his son's killer and was disheartened when state police pulled out of the case just months after the slaying. He said no one has contacted him about the investigation in 2½ years.

"They left me hanging. I don't know nothing," Mazzotta said.

"I don't have faith in nobody no more. I lost a son."

Middletown Deputy Police Chief Lynn Baldoni declined to comment on the investigation Thursday.

Spada's name had come up at a March 4, 2004, meeting between state police investigators, Drug Enforcement Administration officials and officers from the Statewide Narcotics Task Force.

At that meeting, state police Capt. Peter Terenzi, then head of the narcotics task force, voiced concern about Spada's involvement in the Mazzotta case

In a report, Terenzi said that Spada had friends and associates in the area who "were also some of the people we were looking at as possible or potential targets."

Terenzi was later transferred and disciplined after allegations surfaced that he disparaged Spada's familiarity with Italians.

In his testimony, Barry said Senick was "obligated" to disclose the 2003 meeting with Mazzotta, which occurred "while an investigation is going out and dozens of officers are trying to solve the case."

"You know, Mr. Wade, as a criminal defense attorney the consequences of actions like that," Barry said, referring to how the meeting may have affected the case.

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[click here] for More of:

"Damn Bloggers!"

Connecticut Chief Justice Chase T. Rogers

Was she making this comment about me when addressing the Bar Association at [this meeting]?:

"You, as a dedicated and committed group of attorneys, have been ardent and vocal supporters in the area of educating the public about the rule of law, and the bench is tremendously appreciative of these efforts. This principle is vital, and it is essential that the public understand precisely what is at stake when our constitutional obligation to apply the rule of law is under attack.

"When judges do the right thing under the law, however, we often make someone angry. And let me assure you, in the no-holds-barred era of the Internet soapbox, the feedback -- often anonymous -- can be brutal. As you know, we as judges cannot, under our Code of Judicial Ethics, comment about our cases. That is why it is so essential that the bar step up and speak up to make sure that the public understands the need for an independent judiciary that will apply the rule of law as opposed to making the popular or less controversial decision."

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[click here] for more of:

What did Rell know, and when didn't she know it?

Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell (left) [my post on Moody's conduct], former Governor John G. Rowland (middle)

Rowland was up to shenanigan after shenanigan, taking bribe after bribe while LT. Governor M. Jodi Rell supposedly knew nothing, yeah right!

[click here] for the history of public corruption in Connecticut

M. LISA MOODY, the Governor's Chief of Staff, testifies before the Government Administration and Elections committee about her role in a controversial fundraiser to benefit the governor. (SHANA SURECK / May 16, 2006)

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Thursday, September 04, 2008

The Connecticut Sheriff Scandal Cover-up

Click on page for larger view

If you look for discrepancies and know a little about the inside workings of a patronage system of government and of courts, you'll understand the below and clicking on and examining each of the below documents.

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Does Official Connecticut cover up its own public corruption by falsely arresting, imprisoning, and using conspiring doctors to medicate whistle blowers so they can be locked up in mental institutions? Well, the case of Anne Kristine Blake might prove that is the the unofficial policy. [click here for more]

A former Ms. Green told me 7-7-2007 that a "connected" family had there 24o lb, tall, and out of control violent daughter in a group home risking the lives and safety of staff and clients of the DMR. The client should have been in a more secure facility after assaulting other clients and staff. Ms. Green probably has a new last name because she married another DMR high ranking employee after they went to a physical holds and restraining class and teamed up with each other in the class to put holds on each other, and they seem to have liked it ...

So, according to former Ms. Green and her husband exposing abuses, taxpayer defrauding, retaliation, nepotism, the state of fear in the DMR (Connecticut Department of Mental Retardation), the falsifying of reports, and the blanket disregard for rules, procedure, and laws could mean being fired, losing one's pension, and even ending up under arrest and in prison. Ms. Green told me that is how all 3 branches and all official Connecticut departments operate.

Part CT Judicial Branch Scandal, Former Gaming Lobbyist and Connecticut Judicial Marshal Jim Parks speaks out

Part 2

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Former House Speaker James Amann was hired Friday as a $120,000-per-year senior adviser to his successor, Speaker Christopher Donovan.

In his new position, Amann will help Donovan on both administrative issues and important pieces of legislation. He will also be organizing regional meetings with both business groups and advocates on a variety of legislative topics.

"His skills at negotiation and consensus building will be particularly welcome at a time when we in state government need a cooperative approach to solving the daunting challenges before us," Donovan said. [found here]

Amann and Parks know each other from a young age ...

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[click here] for:

DCF and Connecticut's Official Whore House


Kristine D. Ragaglia

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[click here] for:

Power, Intimidation, and the Threat of Death or Serious Injury

is a hallmark of any Mafia-like organization.

Michael Bochicchio, a retired Major in the Connecticut State Police Posted by Hello

Someone that can easily obtain large amounts of money and then just waste it, such as losing $176,000 gambling in just 6 months, begs many questions.

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[click here] for:

The Connecticut State Trooper Gene Pool?

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email your video in.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Nepotism and Corruption in the Connecticut Judicial Branch?

You can be jailed for just driving through Connecticut if judges and lawyers think they can get away with robbing you blind [more]

Comments to an online Newspaper:

A concerned citizen
Meriden, CT
Caruso should start with his own cousin, Edna Press, who was given the position of official court reporter in Stamford. The position required that the person be a practicing court reporter. Ms. Press was not. Before being employed only as a court monitor, not reporter, she was a day care worker, check her tax return records. Ms. Press had not done court reporting in years. Ms. Press advised one of her employees in Stamford to move to Bridgeport in order to be able to bill for mileage by being outside of the district. The employee fraudulently stated that she lived in Bridgeport for three months, before actually moving to Bridgeport, and was paid for that mileage. Instead of being fired, Ms. Press has now been elevated to Supervisor of Transcript Services, a top management position, with pay increase, and probably a state car, and yet is still "stationed" in Stamford for her convenience, and not in Hartford, although does have her new title.

Mr. Caruso's cousin's daughter, K Mulvihill, just recently acquired the position as "caseflow coordinator trainee." Ms. Press and Ms. Mulvihill are very close, personal friends with Mr. D'Alesio, the executive director for Judicial, number three in command in the State. The position of caseflow coordinator in Danbury was posted at 58k a year, yet the posting for "case flow coordinator trainee," in New Haven, the job K. Mulvihill just recently acquired, was posted for 38k with an asterisk, stating if you had a law degree, the pay was 68k. Let's all guess what her starting salary will be. Nice wedding present, Joe. Those in positions of authority in judicial continually alter the job classifications and qualifications as they deem suitable for their needs in supplying these upper management positions to their friends and family. It is an abuse of authority, it is corrupt, it is discriminatory, illegal, and abusive, in addition to being a gross waste of funds of Connecticut tax payers.

Hamden, CT
Gov. Rell, Chief Justice, Senators...Stop the corruption in the State Judicial Department. Those in positions of authority have been milking the judicial branch for years now, giving top management positions to their friends and family, all for personal gain...they are bleeding the taxpayers and the State dry...we don't need more deputy directors, program managers, executive supervisors...we need the workers in the courtrooms...CLEAN HOUSE NOW--DO THE RIGHT THING!

Unhappy Union Activist
As a taxpayer I am outraged. Where is the justice? From the sound of it, certainly not in the Judicial Branch!

Derby, CT
There is so much nepotism in the Judicial Branch it is sickening. If your relative is a Judge, you are a shoe in for the top paying jobs. There are no tests administered for jobs, just send in your application w/resume and a phone call from your relative and you got the job!! High paying jobs are given to people without any college education. What message does this send to young people? No one even checks for high school diplomas!! Wake up Governor and clean house in Judicial.

Joined: 19 hrs ago
Comments: 6
Rockfall, CT
I think if our leaders continue to fail to deal with these serious issues, then perhaps in November we should remember that when we vote.
Taxes are supposed to help pay for the things we need in our government, not to give a job to someone because they are related to or friends with someone.

Chris Komuves
I'm very happy this bill finally was passed. But when you take a step back and think about it, it's pretty insane that any public official ever who was removed from office for taking bribes would ever still be paid a pension afterwards.

The allegations of nepotism in our state judiciary made my other commenters are disturbing as well. Does this bill address those sorts of ethics violations? I really wish this article actually stated what the bill that was passed actually does in detail. Is it a comprehensive ethics bill, or just a narrow scope bill to deny pensions to convicted bribe-takers?

New Haven CT
Hamden, CT
It is absolutely disgraceful that judicial workers who do their job and do it well with professionalism and dedication and have the qualifications are unable to attain a promotion not because they don't deserve it but only because someone much less qualified has "the juice" with the powers that be who will ultimately rubberstamp their promotion. Knowledge is no longer a precursor. The old saying It's not what you know but who you know is alive and thriving in the Judicial Branch within the State of Connecticut. To you, Mr. Joseph D'Alesio, and those of you in management enjoying the spoils of your deceipt, your corrupt behavior, and your disregard for those of us who do not matter in your desire to fatten the wallets of your families and friends, when will you have a conscience? I believe you collectively never will until your actions are scrutinized by an outside agency and you're held accountable. Only then will people like myself and the many others who man the wheels of justice day in and day out will truly believe in justice.

Ralph Riglisi
Wallingford, CT
I am very troubled by the allegations made regarding Edna Press being a daycare worker prior to her position in upper-level management with the State of Connecticut.


If these allegations are proven to be true, then
it is indeed time to clean house starting with Mr. Joe D'Alessio himself. Can we get the Connecticut Post to follow this growing story???
Signed, a disgusted taxpayer

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[click here] for the Connecticut Post piece

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Connecticut Judicial Branch Whistleblowers tell of felonies being committed within the branch:

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[click here] for my recent email to Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell and CT Atty General Richard Blumenthal

[click here] for my videos on

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Should judges and lawyers have a license to steal? [more]

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[click here] for:

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

"Oops, I crapped my pants"

-official Connecticut

Feds Overlooked Hartford Cop’s Checkered Past

by James Brewer | April 3, 2007 8:40 AM
Posted to Local Politics

File photo

File photo

The Deputy United States Attorney that brought down Boston FBI Agents and local cops for illegal activities with federal informants seems to have turned a blind eye to the questionable appointment of suspended Hartford Police Officer Robert Lawlor (pictured) to the Federal Violent Crimes Impact Team (“VCIT”) in 2005.

Connecticut’s U.S. Attorney Kevin O’Connor and Deputy U.S. Attorney John Durham remain mum on the topic of Lawlor’s involvement in a Federal Task Force operating in Hartford that led to the death of 18-year-old Jashon Bryant and shooting of Brandon Henry by Lawlor. Lawlor killed Bryant and seriously wounded Henry while on duty as a deputized United States Marshal working on the VCIT.

VCIT was a joint operation, federally funded, that utilized Federal Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (“ATF”) agents and Hartford Police officers to get guns off the streets.

Who is John Durham?

Durham, a well renowned federal prosecutor was hand picked in 1998 by Attorney General Janet Reno to investigate allegations that, for decades, FBI agents and police officers had been compromised by the mob. Durham soon discovered that FBI Special Agent John Connelly had assisted the mob in at least three murders. Durham successfully prosecuted these cases and earned praise from his colleagues for his integrity and perfectionism. [more]

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Time for Civilian Oversight of Police?

[This case] screams for Civilian Oversight of Police to be law nationally.

[click here] for the circle "F" caused by judges and their legislator cronies.

Mobile footage of events leading up to the incident [BBC]

A former police officer in California has been charged with the murder of an unarmed black man at a railway station.

Johannes Mehserle, a transport officer at the time, is accused of shooting Oscar Grant, 22, in the back as he lay face down on a train platform.

Mr Grant was among several people taken off a San Francisco to Oakland train when police intervened to stop a fight.

The 1 January shooting, filmed on mobile phones, has provoked frequent and at times violent protests.

"At this point, what I feel the evidence indicates is an unlawful killing done by an intentional act and from the evidence we have there is nothing that would mitigate that to something lower than a murder," Alameda County District Attorney Tom Orloff said.

Johannes Mehserle, right, appeares in the East Fork Justice Court on Wednesday, 14 January 2009, in Minden, Nevada
Johannes Mehserle was arrested in the neighbouring state of Nevada

It is rare for a murder charge to be brought against a police officer for an incident that happens while he or she is on duty, correspondents say.

Mr Mehserle's lawyer, Christopher Miller, said he was confident his client would be cleared, as "all the circumstances of that chaotic night become clear".

Video recorded by passengers on their mobile phones appear to show Mr Grant sitting calmly on the platform at Fruitvale station in Oakland after he and several others were pulled off a train by police.

He is then forced to lie face down, there is a struggle, Mr Mehserle draws his weapon and shoots Mr Grant once in the back.

Video of the shooting has circulated widely on the internet, increasing tensions between police officers and many African-American residents.

An undated family photo of Oscar Grant
Oscar Grant's family have called for calm

Protesters have taken regularly to the streets. One demonstration last week turned violent, resulting in more than 100 arrests and damage to some 300 properties.

Mr Mehserle, who resigned a week after the shooting, worked for the Bay Area Rapid Transit (Bart) force.

He was arrested on Tuesday in the neighbouring state of Nevada, where he had gone after receiving death threats, his lawyer said.

On Wednesday, some 50 people were evacuated briefly after Mr Mehserle's parents found two suspicious packages in front of their house, local police said.

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Blog to protest the above [click title]:

CAPE - Coalition Against Police Executions

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[click here] for the text of my letter to the Connecticut Fatherhood Task Force Legislative Committee

This blogger's email:

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White Cops Executing Blacks

If “justice” is unfair for one or a certain group, it is unfair, period.

Most of you who find yourself here are well informed. You’ve probably already heard about Officer Johannes Mehserle accused of executing Oscar Grant, shooting him in the back. Links to that story, video, and “CAPE”, Coalition Against Police Executions [found here], this post. This case and so many others scream out for Civilian Oversight of Police and the need for an effective Grand Jury System.

Too often police in America are the real terrorists, breaking US law, degrading our moral fiber as a nation.

In Connecticut former Hartford Officer Robert Lawlor shot 3 African Americans in the back in 2 incidents and calls himself, “The Great American Patriot”. [story] Lawlor’s bail was only set at $50,000 for the murder. Connecticut Officer Scott Smith [story, scroll down] stood on an African American’s back, executing him. Smith got a year suspended sentence on appeal as the prosecutor intentionally botched the case, so it could be appealed. Will Lawlor get the same case fixing prosecutor to cover up police executions and misconduct?

My friend Chris Kennedy faced a $500,000 bail for having accidentally checked the wrong box on a family court financial form, probable retaliation for Kennedy’s having lodged police and judicial misconduct complaints in the State of Connecticut. Chris’ wife stabbed him, she got custody of their children, he complained, he and the children suffer. [story]

A US Marine, Stephen Murzin, had lodged a police misconduct complaint in the State of Connecticut. Officers were caught on tape after having paid police informant Todd Vashon $10,000 cash to kill Murzin and the officers weren’t prosecuted. Vashon got cold feet, but David J. Taylor, a felon on probation, also a police informant, stabbed Murzin 13 times along with stabbing 2 others. Taylor wasn’t even violated on probation for almost killing 3 people. Obviously judges, police, lawyers, and prosecutors are on the same obstruction of justice team. Murzin was arrested in the hospital with 13 stab wounds, waking up alive, for having caused a disturbance having been stabbed, facing 6 months in prison for the “offense”. [story and video]

There would not be so many executions of Blacks by White Cops, so much blatant unfairness, and the economy wouldn’t be tanking if our nation didn’t have such Crapulent Courts.

The solution suggested in [this post].

Are you going to standby while America tanks, economically and financially, because there is no effective oversight of police, lawyers, elected officials, and of judges?

-Steven G. Erickson

Public Corruption across the board

We appoint judges who are dishonest, so why is it a surprise that prosecutors are dishonest?

Backroom deals are made in courtrooms, at the Mafia Don’s house, and in elected officials’ offices. Judges and prosecutors are “shopped” for desired outcomes, either way. “Important People” will skate, those that expose, are whistle blowers, or get in the way are barbecued in court.

Cases are fixed.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sent to CT legislators on Fatherlessness Task Force

Scroll down for text of email

Previous Post on the Connecticut Fatherhood Task Force with Bill Cosby as the main speaker at a Hartford, Connecticut, hearing [click here]. Scroll down in link for list of videos.

Bill Cosby 12-08-08 arriving at Room 2C, the Legislative Office Building, the LOB, Hartford Connecticut for the Fatherhood Task Force Hearing, one of many, also known as the Fatherlessness Taskforce. [Previous Post on Subject] [The Post Before the Previous Post]

To legislative aids and legislators mentioned in the subject line of this email:

Please forward this email to those in the subject line. Ms. Giannaros provided me information, scroll down for that.

Should judges be able to take bribes, break the law, rig cases, commit fraud, be involved in bid rigging, and retaliate against citizens who want an honest court system?

I am dismayed with what is passing as "good judges" and "judging" in Connecticut. I would be further upset if Chief Justice William J. Sullivan is renewed as a judge. He thumbed his nose at all citizens, the US Constitution, and basically told legislators he'd legislate from the bench telling legislators they are mere puppets. I heard Justice Sullivan in a hearing when he was to be disciplined, that he (Justice Sullivan) would be a prostitute if he were a minority woman, without a job, and with children. He said this to Minnie Gonzales. I was horrified.

I am asking that Judge Jonathan Kaplan be looked into for his harming of families, children, and especially fathers. What he has done to Chris Kennedy alone is alarming. [video]

I complained to the clerk of Rockville Court putting the docket # for Haas vs Erickson. Kaplan would make faces at me when I was in court and I would glare back at him. A judge should not be involved in juvenile behavior, retaliation, breaking laws and fixing cases. Consider this email official correspondence reporting felonies I believe Judge Jonathan Kaplan has committed asking for a special hearing regarding his removal and discipline.

I was trying to have Judge Kaplan removed for bias in civil cases and had complained about him. I used to own property in Connecticut and owned a small business built over 2 decades. I was a father to a then 14 year old National Honor Society student. My daughter was everything to me, and I to her.

Judge Jonathan Kaplan arranged it so that I would get a year in prison for resisting being mugged on my own property. I had no previous record. He took my lawyer aside, told him that he was not allowed to defend me. A tenant who I was evicting was the only witness against me. She said I attacked the mugger in my driveway. Judge Kaplan would not allow me to go to the diagram to prove that the tenant being evicted could not see ME being attacked in my driveway through a tree and a house IN THE DARK based on the tenant's testimony and the diagram.

Kaplan prevented my lawyer from defending me, would let me speak to defend myself, and allowed a VHS tape to be showed to the jury on how to find me guilty, but nothing about innocence or reasonable doubt was in the tape. A worker for the police who wanted to be a police officer was the jury foreman and I had asked to use my right of strike for that juror. He became jury foreman.

Judge Kaplan knew that my assailant told me he'd kill me if I didn't hand over my wallet. The judge knew I was attacked on my property. He knew that I was the victim and that my assailant was not arrested. Kaplan knew I was having a dispute with the Connecticut State Police over lack of protection and service. So, if a judge is willing to wreck a family, make a citizen jobless and homeless to send him to prison for a year for resisting being mugged, should that judge be a judge?

If the judge put a citizen in prison for a year for trying to have him removed, isn't that reason to remove the judge?

Please review the transcripts, docket # CR01-0074672

There should be ample evidence in that docket # to remove Kaplan as soon as possible.

My daughter has not had a father since I was wrongly imprisoned. I am no longer able to own a home, get most jobs, and have had no reason to pay taxes.

Should I have gotten a life's sentence for wanting to remove a criminal sociopath judge?

My family is suffering, and I can't get most jobs with a criminal record. I should not have a criminal record and should not have been put in prison. Look into the judge, please.

Please look into my allegations and get back to me.

-Steven G. Erickson

telephone # and address given upon request.

A tenant tells my story [video]

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I sent the below email to a legislative member of the Fatherhood Task Force in Connecticut today at around 1:45 PM, January 16, 2009, fixing some minor typing and grammar mistakes:

RE: Bill Cosby and the CT Fatherlessness task force‏
From: Steven Erickson (

Fri 1/16/09 6:37 PM
To: Sen. LeBeau, Gary (

Thank you for taking the time to get back to me.

I believe that legislators can look into and even remove judges who are breaking the law, harming children, harming parents, including fathers. These judges are also causing a STATE of FEAR wrecking the economy and lowering the quality of life for all Connecticut residents.

Judge Jonathan Kaplan knew that an individual attacked me on my property and that that person was threatening my life while demanding money. That is attempted robbery, threatening, breach of peace etc. The judge heard that man, under oath, admit to attacking me more than once, to trying to rob me, stalking me, and threatening my life. That judge was ok with that felon not being arrested, and with me going to prison for pepper spraying this criminal. So the judge is either incompetent, abused his discretion, is a sociopath, was retaliating, and/or is mentally unstable. In any case this judge and others need to be removed to prevent further public harm.

I notified Judge Jonathan Kaplan of the feud I was having with Connecticut State Police during trial, over their lack of protection and service. I was threatened with arrest after writing [this letter] to President George W. Bush, scroll down, as copies were given to local elected officials and police were allegedly given copies. I had tried to remove Judge Kaplan and proposed Civilian Oversight of Police BEFORE I was arrested for resisting being robbed on my own property.

The judge in my case interfered with YOU the legislature. If I tried to have him removed through elected officials and he then puts me in prison for a year for resisting being mugged on my own property shouldn't alarm bells be sounded all over the place?

I emailed Former Police Commissioner Arthur L. Spada that I wanted him to take the Community Policing Webpage from the USDOJ off the official State Police website due to policies not being followed, the day before I was to be sentenced in court by Judge Jonathan Kaplan. I indicated in the email that I was sending hardcopy of the letter to the USDOJ in Washington, DC.

I marked that trial, so if the trial transcripts are reviewed, Judge Jonathan Kaplan absolutely lost it on me. He was screaming at me and if I had raped a school yard of children and then cooked them and ate them he would not have given me the dressing down he did. I know that Connecticut State Police Commissioner Arthur L. Spada illegally colluded with Judge Jonathan J. Kaplan to railroad me to prison. Shouldn't both be arrested for interfering with the legislature and prosecuted?

Former Stafford Springs, Connecticut, State Representative Mordasky's aid Rosemarie indicated that she had been talking to the State Police legislative liaison and that he indicated to her that I would be arrested, made to lose my property, and would go to prison in retaliation for what I had written in newspapers critical of the State Police and for having dared to propose Civilian Oversight of Police BEFORE I was railroaded to prison.

So the State Police of the Executive Branch interfered with the Judicial Branch AND the Legislative Branch in my case. So will you please have the proper legislative body and investigators at least read my trial transcripts?

Ritt Goldstein, a prominent Democrat Small Business person proposed Civilian Oversight of Police at an official Judiciary Committee hearing Dec. 1996. He was then so terrorized by police he fled the US seeking political asylum in Sweden. The former Norwalk Connecticut Mayor, Bill Collins, told legislators at the special hearing that police were vandalizing his house, tormenting him, throwing beer bottles on his porch, slapping police union stickers on his cars and home, and were abducting citizens while wearing ski masks to terrorize, torture, and interrogate citizens at abandoned warehouses. As crazy as that sounds I have video of that hearing, available for view in this post:

So Police and the Courts in Connecticut are causing Fatherlessness, are harming children, and are their own REIGN OF TERROR.

My Connecticut State Police misconduct complaints State Police refused to investigate and did not arrest me for making a false statement for [found here]

The law allowing legislators to remedy cases in the legislature [found here], PA90-284

The whole Judicial Branch in Connecticut is run like a Mafia organization, according to whistleblower who testify at official hearings, "The Branch" judicial managers and allegedly judges are involved in case rigging, retaliation, obstruction of justice, tampering with, destroying, and manufacturing evidence, bid rigging, nepotism, and the defrauding of State and Federal Taxpayers. [post on judicial branch whistleblowers with video]

And Gary, yes, legislators can review cases and offer remedy, the legislation passed in Connecticut reviewed as noted in link above.

With Judges rigging cases and lawyers fearing arrest and being disbarred for defending their clients against the wishes of judges, judicial managers, and State Police brass there is no where else to go, but to you. Will you and other legislators please help? Will you get back to me on whether my trial transcripts can and will be reviewed for Kaplan's possible removal as judge, and for remedy?

Thank you,

-Steven G. Erickson

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Smells like Bullshit

scroll down for the Hartford Courant on how "Johnny" Bullshit isn't asking for a Presidential Pardon.

[click here] for my thoughts on George W. Bush and former Connecticut Governor John G. Rowland, known as "Johnny" to both Presidents Bush.

[click here] for the text of the letter meant to arrive for Johnny's first day of Federal Prison. Warning: I'm not nice and use foul language.

Contacting Former Connecticut Governor John G. Rowland

contact former Governor John G. Rowland at 203-758-1117 or e-mail his office John G.'s [website]

The Get Justice Coalition post on the above [found here]

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Political intrigue

Former Governor Says He Is Not Seeking A Presidential Pardon

January 10, 2009

Former Gov. John G. Rowland said Friday that he won't seek a last-minute pardon from President George W. Bush for the December 2004 corruption conviction that landed him in federal prison.

"I am not seeking a pardon nor have plans to," Rowland said in an e-mail response to a question from The Courant.

Rowland did not respond by Friday evening to a follow-up e-mail asking if his response meant that he was ruling out any possibility of his receiving a Bush pardon.

Speculation has been rising among political insiders about a possible pardon for the former governor at a time when some prominent convicts from politics and business throughout the countryhave joined the traditional end-of-term rush for pardons from an outgoing president.

For example, in Massachusetts, former House Speaker Thomas M. Finneran submitted an application last month for a presidential pardon on his 2007 conviction for obstructing justice, the Boston Globe reported Friday.

Rowland, who served 9½ years as governor, once had a prominent profile in national Republican politics and enjoyed a good relationship with the Bush family. Before becoming governor, Rowland served in Washington as a congressman from the Waterbury area during the tenure of Bush's father, former President George H.W. Bush.

He resigned as governor in mid-2004, and pleaded guilty in December of that year to a felony count related to his receiving $107,000 in travel, gifts and improvements to his lakeside cottage from businessmen who got hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts and tax breaks from his administration. He later served 10 months in federal prison.

A presidential pardon restores various rights lost as a result of the conviction but does not erase or expunge the record of the conviction.

Rowland now works as a $95,000-a-year public pitchman for Waterbury's economic development efforts. He also gives speeches about the lessons that he learned in his downfall.

President Bush has granted more than 190 pardons during his eight years in office, not a large number compared with past presidents. End-of-term pardons are often controversial — as former President Bill Clinton's were — and Bush last month took the unusual action of rescinding a New York developer's pardon.

The developer — Isaac Robert Toussie, convicted of mail fraud and making false statements to federal housing officials — was among 19 people Bush pardoned on Dec. 23. Bush rescinded the pardon on Dec. 24, after newspapers revealed that Toussie's father had given a total of $40,000 over the course of a year to either the national Republican Party or GOP candidates.

Customarily, those seeking executive clemency apply to the White House but submit personal applications to the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of the Pardon Attorney. The pardon attorney initiates a review and, through the deputy attorney general, recommends to the president for or against clemency.

In the past, the pardon attorney has followed a fairly rigid review process in accordance with federal rules, Justice Department regulations and past practice and tradition. But because final decisions ultimately rest with the president, there have been deviations from the traditional review process.

Congressional analysis of the pardons process have found that local judges and law enforcement personnel are frequently notified when executive clemency applications are under review by the office of the pardon attorney. There are no indications that such notifications have been made recently in Connecticut.

Senior Republicans also said that they had no knowledge of pending clemency cases in Connecticut, and a spokeswoman for the pardon office said that as of Friday, no clemency petition had been received from Rowland.

Rowland's lawyer, R. Bartley Halloran, said Friday: "I don't know anything about it, and if that were happening, I think I'd definitely know about it."

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[click here] for my complaint with official Connecticut and allegations of Connecticut State Police misconduct

[my complaints], The Connecticut State Police Misconduct complaints,
scroll down

Friday, January 9, 2009

20 Forgotten Bush Scandals

The below re-posted from [here]

In an interview with Fox News on Sunday, George H.W. Bush congratulated his son on running a “clean operation." Bush apparently wasn’t paying very close attention. Everyone remembers weapons of mass destruction, the US attorney firings. But historians will note that those are only the beginning of the Bush administration scandals…

The Bush administration will leave the annals of presidential disrepute several times thicker than it found them. There’s Iraq, the hospital visit to John Ashcroft, the US attorney firings. But historians will note that those are only the beginning of the Bush administration scandals. Does the name Jeff Gannon ring a bell? Boxgate? What about the anti-prostitution AIDS tsar who purchased the services of—wait for it—the D.C. Madam? The Daily Beast has put together 20 of Bush’s greatest forgotten scandals.

Interior Department officials "frequently consumed alcohol at industry functions, had used cocaine and marijuana, and had sexual relationships with oil and gas company representatives."

Sex and Shoplifting

1) In March 2006, Claude Allen, Bush's top domestic policy aide, was arrested when he tried to return items he had shoplifted from Target for cash refunds. Allen, who made $161,000 a year, blamed stress from Hurricane Katrina.

2) In 2005, bloggers pricked up their ears when a reporter named Jeff Gannon asked a softball question at a Bush press conference. Some sleuthing turned up nude photos of Gannon—real name: James Guckert—on male escort websites.

3) Randall Tobias, Bush’s AIDS tsar, mandated that organizations must oppose prostitution in order to receive American aid. It later emerged that Tobias purchased services through the notorious D.C. Madam, though Tobias maintained he only bought “massages.”

4) The Interior Department’s Minerals Management Service would not seem to be the sexiest government agency. But a departmental investigation last year found that officials had “frequently consumed alcohol at industry functions, had used cocaine and marijuana, and had sexual relationships with oil and gas company representatives.”

Where’d the Money Go?

5) When testifying before Congress in 2007, L. Paul Bremer, the former head of reconstruction in Iraq, was unable to account for as much as $12 billion—about half of his budget—as the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority between May 2003 and June 2004. According to a report by Rep. Henry Waxman, contractors brought bags to meetings in order to collect shrink-wrapped bundles of money.

6) In 2004, Pentagon auditors found that Halliburton had not adequately accounted for $1.8 billion of the bill it sent to the United States government for its work in Iraq and Kuwait.

7) Also that year, Bunnatine Greenhouse, the Army Corps of Engineers' chief contracting officer, charged that KBR, a Halliburton subsidiary, unfairly received billions of dollars worth of no-bid contracts in Iraq. Greenhouse was demoted in 2005.


8) In 2002, Canadian citizen Maher Arar was detained at an airport in New York and spirited away to Syria, where he was tortured and held for 10 months by his captors before being returned home. Canadian officials investigated Arar's case, declared he was innocent, and paid him $9 million in compensation. American officials refused to admit the mistake and instead kept Arar on a terrorist watch list.

9) Army Captain James Yee, a Muslim chaplain in Guantanamo Bay, was hooded, shackled, and detained in solitary confinement for 76 days on charges of espionage. Within a year the case against Yee had collapsed and the Army tried to save face by charging him with hoarding pornography.

All the President’s Wordsmiths

10) In an email to friends, Danielle Crittenden, the wife of White House speechwriter David Frum, bragged that her husband had written Bush’s famous “Axis of Evil” line. The e-mail leaked to Slate, causing a minor scandal.

11) Part of the self-created mythology of White House speechwriter Michael Gerson was that he composed his speeches in longhand. But as fellow scribe Matthew Scully later noted: “At the precise moment when the State of the Union address was being drafted at the White House by John [McConnell] and me, Mike was off pretending to craft the State of the Union in longhand for the benefit of a reporter.”

No Administration Friend Left Behind

12) First there was Columnist Gate: In 2005, USA Today reported that conservative commentator Armstrong Williams received a $240,000 contract from the Department of Education to promote No Child Left Behind on his television show and to sell other African-American journalists on the legislation. Later, The Washington Post uncovered a similar deal with columnist Maggie Gallagher to promote a marriage initiative for the Department of Health.

13) A Defense Department report in 2006 urged the military to end its practice of paying Iraqi journalists to publish pro-American stories in their newspapers, arguing the tactic would "undermine the concept of a free press."

14) According to The New York Times, Karl Rove scored lobbyist Ralph Reed a lucrative contract with Enron in 1997 to gain his support in the 2000 presidential race.

15) David Safavian, the former chief of staff of the General Services Administration, was convicted of helping Jack Abramoff on a shady land deal as well as concealing a "lavish weeklong golf trip" paid for by Abramoff.

16) As head of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz was forced to resign in disgrace after he helped his "female companion," Shaha Riza, score a $60,000 pay raise and promotion—and then tried to cover it up.

Down the Memory Hole

17) Bush fundraiser Lurita Doan's gig as chair of the General Services Administration went down in flames when she was accused of asking agency staff to help Republican candidates win elections. Doan denied any wrongdoing. When witnesses said she asked her staff at a meeting, "How can we use GSA to help our candidates in the next election?" Doan claimed she had no memory of the presentation.

18) Though Army microbiologist Bruce Ivins, who committed suicide in 2008, was suspected of being the anthrax mailer, that didn't keep Bush and Cheney from openly speculating that Al Qaeda was behind the attacks and even going so far as to pressure FBI officials to come up with a bin Laden connection, according to the New York Daily News.

Mission Accomplished

19) In 2003, Bush went to a warehouse in St. Louis to give a speech titled “Strengthening America’s Economy.” But the boxes laid out before the presidential podium bore the label "Made in China." The labels were then obscured with white paper. The White House blamed an "overzealous advance volunteer.”

The Last Word

20) The administration ethos was nicely summarized during the investigation in the firing of US attorneys, in a testy exchange between former White House Political Director Sara Taylor and Sen. Patrick Leahy. Taylor: "I took an oath to the president…And I believe that taking that oath means that I need to respect, and do respect, my service to the president." Leahy: "No, the oath says that you take an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States. That is your paramount duty. I know that the president refers to the government being his government—it's not."

Read More Farewell Chronicles:
Part II: Son of Nixon
Part III: I Survived the Bush Presidency
Part IV: How Much is a Bush Speech Worth?

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January 6, 2009 | 6:12am
showing 1-20 of 33

I'm sure there are many more we don't know about as well...but as far as I'm concerned it is "Mission Accomplished" as we now have a Democrat and a smart one at that for our next President.

11:44 am, Jan 5, 2009

Do any of you remember a senior FBI agent called John P O'Neill who tried very hard to forewarn President Bush and his other FBI colleagues that Osama bin Laden would attempt to strike the Twin Towers again. Mr O'Neill was also aware that certain individuals were being taught how to fly commercial aeroplanes. No one would listen, no one helped him to put together all the facts - in fact no one was interested in helping him save lives.If this man had been taken seriously then perhaps we would not have lost the 3,000 lives on the 11th September 2001. This is fact I am sorry to say, please go to the web and bring up John P O'Neill and you will be horrified to read all the information contained therein.John O'Neill left the FBI in total frustration and got a new job as senior Safety Officer at guess where, the Twin Towers.He died trying to save lives. I believe if the press or other organisations investigated this scandal you would perhaps realise that President Bush and others did not want to hear about the threat to the Twin Towers - it was not part of their game plan.It is up to you Americans to find out why he would not listen. Perhaps it partly explains why President Bush sat for 7 minutes after being told about the hit on the first tower without taking any action.That is not normal behaviour. So if this is not included in this article then it should be and it should be at the top of the list.For the sake of those who died do something about it.

9:20 am, Jan 6, 2009

What's most disturbing about this article is the number of scandalous endeavors by this fascist regime that aren't even mentioned.

9:36 am, Jan 6, 2009

Some of those are just Bush's stupid people doing stupid things . Some of them are indictable offenses and should be followed up on. I am fairly certain that the Obama administration will not pursue these sorts of things looking forward and all that, but I am not to sure that it sends the right message. I think every politician found to violate the law should be taken down. It is time that we cast the fear of the law into the hearts of our public servants

9:52 am, Jan 6, 2009

It is simply amazing the breadth and the scope of malfeasance within this administration.

10:06 am, Jan 6, 2009

I can't believe what we are doing to ourselves as a country. These types of antics filter down - from the White House to the outhouse - to Wall Street, "Main Street" and personal encounters on side streets. We have been parasitical for 30 years going on 40. Barack Obama may be different but you have to ask: "Are the people he's circling himself with any different?" Let's hope his influence reaches beyond what has become standard operating procedure.

10:10 am, Jan 6, 2009

Thanks for mentioning the $12 billion cash that Bremer "misplaced." I've never forgotten that, and in fact it's near the top of my litany. That's almost 2% of the $700 billion bailout, and it seems largely forgotten.

11:03 am, Jan 6, 2009

You think this is bad, remember William Jefferson Clinton. I only wish Bush could have been impeached just as his predecessor was.

11:47 am, Jan 6, 2009

I do remember William Jefferson Clinton. And I'm remembering a lot of other things, such as how I still had a 401(k) when he left office instead of the 101(k) I've got now, or how we actually had an economy, or how there was a balanced budget, or how we weren't bogged down in a pointless war in the Middle East, or how we didn't have Christian fanatics running government policy, or how the US had respect, or we had more hope of an environmental policy, or.... No, no, when I think that the Bush years were bad, I think of the Clinton years, and then I think of how bad the Bush years ~really~ were. Clinton got blown. Bush screwed everyone. I'll take the former, thanks a bunch. I really don't care if the current administration gets to experience the enhanced interrogation techniques they say are so harmless just to get them to talk about what they've really been doing. (Will that be on Pay-per-View, maybe?)

12:09 pm, Jan 6, 2009

Regarding the FBI and the Anthrax investigation:

The real scandal is yet to come as the FBI has nothing but a HUNCH that Bruce was the mastermind.

It took Stephen Hatfill years, a great deal of money and a fighting spirit to clear himself. Bruce is not here to defend himself, having been drained of money and hounded into giving up on life.

The FBI had a lot of pressure to solve this before the end of the Bush administration. I imagine high fives went around FBI headquarters when Bruce committed suicide. So easy to blame a dead man.

12:17 pm, Jan 6, 2009

I think that here is where Bush is a genious. Clinton had one scandal and people still can't get over it 10 years later. But, if you have 100 people just can't keep up. At this point we have just become numb to scandals and corruption and Bush is going to escape any punishment.
Also, I think Bush counted on the fact that the Democrats wouldn't have the spine to impeach two presidents in a row.

12:33 pm, Jan 6, 2009

Regarding the Canadian citizen being whisked away to Syria...

I watched a film a few months back, similar situation. In the film, a U.S. citizen was mistaken to have done transactions with a terrorist and was taken away to Egypt and tortured. His wife kept at it. Eventually, he was let go by an American observing the interrogations.

My wife asked me if stuff like this really happened. I said probably not.

I feel sick to my stomach now.

1:09 pm, Jan 6, 2009

So often, when it comes to politics, the American public is accused of having amnesia but after the last eight years I'm not certain if these things are truly forgotten or if they represent a soft focused nightmare that most people would like to pretend never happened. We've just lived through a period that casts a pall on the very definition of public service. Let's try to get beyond the shield of cynicism and have some hope for a brighter future.

2:19 pm, Jan 6, 2009

Bigwurzz: I suspect that's exactly the strategy of this administration. Either that, or the slightly more "innocent" story that they've simply lost touch with what is ethical and what isn't ethical.

It's strange how those who claim to be saved, can still act as though they have no moral compass at all. But this isn't an indictment of religion, so much as it's an indictment of those with power, and what happens when those with power aren't held accountable.

3:09 pm, Jan 6, 2009

The latest, Bush senior wants the other bush Jeb, to run for President before he "moves on".

The thought alone burns a hole in my skull.

3:54 pm, Jan 6, 2009

This administration - all of them - should be publically marched out of the White House in handcuffs.

5:29 pm, Jan 6, 2009

The Borgen Project has informative statistics on addressing global poverty.

$30 billion ends world hunger
$550 billion is the US Defense budget

This organization has the ability, resources, and policy-makers to suppress the threat of global poverty by enacting legislation here in the US, which is tied to the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals. Please support organizations such as The Borgen Project so that we may rid the world of poverty.

6:08 pm, Jan 6, 2009

Yes, I do recall. I also recall that not only did Condoleeza Rice have a report in her hand warning of possible hijacked planes to be used as weapons, but that the military had actually conducted a drill based on that very scenario. In any event, how was it possible that all the billions of dollars spent on defense such as the NORAD system utterly failed. Does anyone remember the rash of hijackings in the 1960's? Well, absolutely nothing useful was done for nearly 40 years. Finally, Bush the Tush brags about keeping America safe AFTER September 11, 2001 (except for rescue workers at ground zero who were lied to about the risks). Admiral Husband E. Kimmel kept Pearl Harbor safe AFTER December 7, 1941. I guess the actual attacks don't count.

6:35 pm, Jan 6, 2009

And these are just the ones we know about...

6:48 pm, Jan 6, 2009


you think that's bad

from mes

"Well, the New York Yankees signed three players last week for a cost of $423,000,000. That's 423 plus million for those of you afraid to count zeroes.

Which, as it turns out, is the about same amount of money Germany has pledged to rebuild Afghanistan.

423.5 is also the cost of all the anti-malarial nets currently needed to stop the spread of that disease worldwide, with about a 100 million left over for medicine for those whose nets didn't arrive in time.

Or, if you go by Doctors Without Borders calculations, the salary of those three players is also enough to feed two good meals to 242 million of the 350 million folks who go hungry each day.

And, if environmental issues seem more pressing, well that's enough to help the Save-an-Acre organization purchase and protect 847,000 acres of rainforest, which would go a long way to slowing global warming and stopping a crisis unprecedented in human history."

6:56 pm, Jan 6, 2009

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[click here] for:

Ann Coulter, Godzilla and Republican Darling?